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'Nature can sit alongside agriculture': a Landscape Recovery project spotlight

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Payments to restore landscapes and ecosystems
Still image taken from embedded video showing two people talking to camera.

The North Norfolk: Wilder, Wetter, Better for Nature project is part of the first round of  Landscape Recovery. Alongside sustainable food production, the project aims to create new habitats for nature, restore rivers and boost biodiversity on the Holkham Estate. We visited the team to see how the project will work in practice.

Annual Health and Welfare Review: making it easier to apply, comply and export

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Grants, Payments to improve animal health and welfare
A tagged calf taking a step forward

When we launched the Annual Health and Welfare Review, a funded annual vet visit, we said that we would continue to improve with feedback from farmers and vets. In this post, we’d like to share an update on our work which includes simplifying the process to apply, bringing BVD testing for beef in line with CHECS and BVD Free requirements and clarifying how to use the review to enable exports to the EU. We also include a video of a farmer and vet who took part in a Review. 

Small R&D Partnership Projects competition now open

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I’m pleased to say that the Small R&D Partnership Projects competition is now open. Through this competition, we want to enable UK-based businesses to collaboratively develop solutions which improve productivity, sustainability, resilience in farming and realise our net zero ambitions. 

Further innovation grants coming soon 

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Bunches of carrots piled on top of each other

This month, we will open another round of the Small R&D Partnership Projects competition and, in September, another round of the Feasibility Studies competition will follow. In this post, I’ll give you a brief overview of the competitions. I'll also include links to guidance, share details of upcoming webinars and include dates to note. 

Introducing Animal Health and Welfare Infrastructure grants

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Grants, Payments to support animal health and welfare
A sweet little calf looking at the camera with ear tag

In this post, we share the next steps of the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway. Through the first round of the Animal Health and Welfare Equipment and Technology grant, over £19 million will be awarded to more than 3,000 pig, cattle, poultry and sheep farmers. A new Animal Health and Welfare Infrastructure grant is also on the way: the Calf Housing for Health and Welfare grant.

Funding applications now open for high-growth agri-tech businesses

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Woman with laptop and tractor in farm field

We are pleased to say that applications are now open for the £5 million Farming Innovation Investor Partnership competition with Innovate UK. The application window will remain open for 6 weeks until 30 August and there is a briefing session for potential applicants on 25 July. In this post we will give you a recap on the competition and how to apply for funding.

Animal Health and Welfare Equipment and Technology grants: help shape the next round

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Grants, Payments to support animal health and welfare
A view of the English countryside with sheep in the foreground

In March, we took another step forward on the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway by launching the first round of the Animal Health and Welfare Equipment and Technology Grant. In this post, we'd like to invite you to help us shape the next round.

Watch: Trialling farmer-led land management plans at Aqualate Mere, Staffordshire

In this film, farmers from the Aqualate Mere catchment share their experiences of taking part in Tests and Trials. This test created a land management plan and worked to set priorities for the catchment, incorporating biodiversity, water quality and carbon sequestration.