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Tests and trials: innovative payment mechanisms

One area we’re exploring in tests and trials is the role that innovative payment mechanisms might play in future environmental land management schemes. In this post we share what we’ve learned about reverse auctions so far in tests and trials. 

Bigger, better, more joined-up conservation on farms

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If you want to encourage more of the right wild plants and insects on a group of farms, what parts of your farm should you target to get the best results? This is the question conservation scientist Dr Robert Hawkes explored with colleagues from the University of East Anglia, the Breckland Farmers Wildlife Network and Defra.

Your questions about the Future Farming Resilience Fund

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Last week I wrote a blog post encouraging farmers and land managers to take advantage of the free business support and advice on offer through the Future Farming Resilience Fund. Some people have been in touch to ask various questions about the fund. I wanted everyone to see the responses, so I thought I’d address them in this blog post. 

Update on the Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot 

In July, we opened the applications window for farmers to join our Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot.  In this post, Lisa Applin (Rural Payments Agency) and Tom Lewis (Future Farming and Countryside Programme) share the results of the application process, what the team learned and what they will do next.

Farming Innovation Programme: applications open next week

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Earlier this summer, we said that we would launch the first competitions of the new Industry-led Research and Development Partnerships Fund in October. I'm pleased to say that we’re on track. The £17.5 million Industry-led Research and Development Partnerships Fund is the first of 3 funds to launch in the new Farming Innovation Programme. Applications for a share of this funding will open Wednesday 20 October 2021.

It’s not too late to get free business advice  

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Two people talking with farm in shot

One of the things we're doing to support farmers and land managers through the agricultural transition is providing free business support and advice, through a project called the Future Farming Resilience Fund. So far, over 1,200 farming businesses have received support, with scope to help many more. In this post, I’d like to encourage more people to access the free advice that's available. 

Introducing the Annual Health and Welfare Review

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A cow

In this guest post, Jonathan Statham introduces the Annual Health and Welfare Review, a fully-funded vet visit which farmers will receive each year of the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway. Jonathan is a cattle vet and chair-elect for England’s Animal Health and Welfare Board.

Catch up on our Landscape Recovery information sessions

Landscape Recovery is 1 of our 3 new environmental land management schemes. Over the summer, we held some information sessions about the scheme. The sessions were recorded. So, if you weren't able to attend, you can still learn more by watching any of the 3 videos below.

Answering farmers' questions about the Sustainable Farming Incentive - part 2

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TFF part 2

The Farming Forum recently held a Q&A session with Janet Hughes, Defra’s Future Farming and Countryside Programme Director. Farmers were invited to submit their questions about the Sustainable Farming Incentive. Clive Bailye, Director of the Farming Forum, put the most-asked questions to Janet. This is part 2 of 2.