On Monday 20 November, we held a webinar for livestock and grassland farmers to learn more about the funding opportunities available in England.
The webinar focused on the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway in particular.
Colleagues from the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) joined us and attendees put their questions to the team.
Watch the recording of the webinar.
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These webinars for farmers are still quite new and we’d appreciate your feedback to improve them.
Comment by Debbie Allen posted on
I would like to see the webinar on SFI
I will be at work at the time of the planned session
How will I see the recording please?
Comment by Becky Briggs posted on
Hi Debbie,
As soon as the webinar ends and the recording is ready, I'll add a link to it in this post. This should happen by the end of the day. If someone registers for the webinar but can't attend for whatever reason, they'll be sent a link to the recording too.
Kind regards,
Comment by stephen ramsden posted on
i would suggest 1 hr is "not long enough" both explaining SFI23 and animal health and welfare properly !!
make it another 1/2 hr for questions alone i suggest.
as gov makes things overly complex, [in our eyes, the customer] the devil is usually in the detail, which questions are usually all about
Comment by beckybriggs posted on
Hi Stephen, thank you so much for your feedback, I've passed this on to the team. I agree, having sufficient time for questions is vital for attendees. We are constantly looking at how to improve Q&A's, we use a voting system to prioritise questions, and we try to respond to as many as possible with the right experts on hand to do that within the session. We hope that you will still attend, we'd love it if you completed the webinar survey at the end as well, as this will ensure all feedback about the content and structure of the event is considered, and passed on to our policy and engagement teams to improve future webinars. You can always comment on our blog posts with any other thoughts or questions, thank you for taking the time to contact us.
Comment by John Shelley posted on
I would like to be at the webinar but eventbright refuses to let me get a log in saying error all the time. My old membership details to eventbright will not work and it says it does not know my email address but still will no make me a link.
There is no way on the DEFRA site to get help with this.
Help please
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi John,
Try this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86976735600?pwd=bmlxMGlOSHhUUTQzRUE4bWxrcmswQT09#success
If you still encounter issues, the recording of the webinar will be shared in this blog post when it ends (and you can still put questions to the team in the comments).
Best wishes,
Comment by Abby Cook posted on
Hi, I was hoping to attend the webinar on slurry infrastructure grants, but was unable to attend on the day is it possible to access a link to the recording as would be really keen to catch up on it. Thanks so much
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Abby,
No problem. Here's a (very long!) link to the Slurry Infrastructure grant webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/s6Hd0RQ2ze5SHaU1mGMwFGJ07rPUciMja4eEsJCQI8bqew7yF-pr2mjMefrlKueM1A3Bf8gziJpsPxjl.w_QVRcrljSezIXwI?canPlayFromShare=true&from=share_recording_detail&continueMode=true&componentName=rec-play&originRequestUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fus02web.zoom.us%2Frec%2Fshare%2FKmqvskGsB2-hzA2ryX8EuuYtspG4OCbYFYm9qQUHd2bCcSdZ4AJXmd98iBgBSGCP.EiQahFCiot3hN-xg
Best wishes,