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Environmental land management in 2024: details of actions and payments

Sheep grazing in field with trees and farmland in the distance

Today we published an update to the Agricultural Transition Plan on GOV.UK. It includes our progress, priorities and plans for the coming years. In this post, I'll share a summary of the update which includes details of scheme payment rates, premium payments, new actions and plans for a single application service.

Landscape Recovery: ‘We want to prove that this works and it can work across the country’

The Evenlode team

In this post, the team behind the Evenlode Landscape Recovery Project share their plans to restore streams and rivers, protect threatened native species, improve natural habitats and adapt to climate change while continuing to productively farm and create new revenue streams for farmers in the area.

Farming podcast: Learning more about SFI in 2023 with the NFU

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In this episode of the Farming podcast, Jonathan Marsden, Head of Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) talks to Claire Robinson, Senior Countryside Adviser for the National Farmers Union (NFU). The pair discuss what you need to know as a farmer to get ready for SFI this year.

Landscape Recovery: developing the scheme together

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Project Manager of the Axe Landscape Recovery project Alasdair Moffett and Environment Agency Geomorphologist Julian Payne, talk about plans to restore parts of the River Axe

Landscape Recovery funds large-scale, long-term, unique projects which seek to enhance the natural environment and deliver significant environmental benefits. In this post, I'll share some of the lessons we’ve learnt and outline how the scheme continues to evolve with insight from participants and prospective participants.

Countryside Stewardship: Higher Tier agreements to start in 2024

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View of countryside with woods in background and cattle at a watering spot

The window for applications for Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier closed in April. Mid Tier and Wildlife Offer agreements are still open for applications until 18 August 2023. A number of 3-year capital grants are also open to help achieve specific environmental benefits, including a new Higher Tier Capital grant, woodland tree heath grants and Woodland Management Plans. In this post, we’ll set out the process for assessing applications and provide an update on the number of applications being taken forward.  

Countryside Stewardship: delivering for farmers and the environment

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Countryside Stewardship provides financial incentives for farmers, foresters and land managers to look after and improve the environment. Through the scheme, thousands of farmers are being paid for the valuable work they do. In this post, we’ll give you a refresher, share some facts and figures and explain how you can get involved.  

Environmental land management schemes: details of actions and payments

Hele, Mid Devon District photograph by Alison Day

We recently published more information on the rollout of our environmental land management schemes. It includes the full range of actions, payment rates and when they’ll be available. This post gives a scheme-by-scheme summary.

Get ready for our 3 new environmental land management schemes

Today we published more information on Local Nature Recovery and Landscape Recovery – which, along with the Sustainable Farming Incentive, make up our 3 new and ambitious environmental land management schemes.