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The farmers who work in Defra

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: A view from the farm, Farmers in Defra

Some of our colleagues are also farmers. In this post, Ben Keene and Brian Longman introduce the Defra Farmer's Forum, the group which brings them together. They also share their stories. In the months that follow, we’ll hear from more farmers who either work in the Future Farming and Countryside Programme or support our work from their teams elsewhere in Defra.

A view from the farm

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: A view from the farm, environmental land management schemes

My name is Harry Baker Cresswell. I farm Preston Mains Farm in Northumberland. I have been involved in tests and trials since 2018. It has been a great opportunity for myself and the 52 other farmers in the 23 Burns Collective to help Defra co-design the new environmental land management schemes. I'd like to share my view.

Learn more about the Landscape Recovery scheme

I’m excited to share an invitation to farmers and other land managers to join one of our online introductory sessions about the Landscape Recovery pilot. The sessions will be a chance to learn more about the upcoming pilot, ask questions and share your ideas for its development. Your feedback and questions will help us develop and finalise the details of the scheme.

Tests and trials: the latest evidence

We recently published the latest evidence report which pulls together our findings from tests and trials. The report gives an overview of everything we’ve learnt across our 78 tests and trials over the last 6 months. In this post, I’d like to share a summary.  

The Environmental Land Management Engagement Group

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Environmental land management needs to deliver for farmers, foresters and land managers. Because it’s a big and complex area, it’s tempting to consider these groups of people separately, but for our policies and schemes to truly work, we need to bring these groups together. In this post, I'll explain how we're doing that.

Regulation workshops: what we did next 

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We ran some co-design workshops in November with farmers and other experts to help us work out how the regulatory system needs to change. We shared the outputs of that work on the blog. After those workshops, we began planning the next phase of our co-design work on regulation. I’d like to share our progress in this post.