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Watch: Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier webinar

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Earlier this month, we hosted a webinar for farmers and land managers in England to learn more about Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier (CSHT) and the pre-application process. In this post, you’ll find a recording of the webinar and a summary of the information in the session, reflecting the questions put to the team. 

Webinar follow up: the farming offer in 2024 

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Sustainable Farming Incentive, Webinars

On Friday 26 January, we held a webinar for farmers to go through the actions and payments available through our environmental land management schemes in 2024.  This webinar was held in collaboration with the Farming Advice Service (FAS) and The Farming Forum (TFF).  In this post, I’ll summarise the themes and top-voted questions covered in the webinar with responses and links to guidance.   

Watch: Funding for farmers webinar

Someone writes in a notebook with laptop in the background

On Wednesday 6 September, we held a webinar for farmers to learn more about the funding available in England. In this post, you can watch a recording of the session.