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Next round of Large R&D Partnerships competition on the way

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A hand holding a rapeseed pod

On 15 January, we’ll open another round of the Large R&D Partnerships competition. Part of the Farming Innovation Programme, this competition offers a share of £7.8 million to farmers, growers and foresters in England to take forward ideas that improve productivity, sustainability, resilience and move the sector towards net zero. Together with our delivery partners Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), we published the competition guidance today. 

Improving Farm Productivity grants: get ready for Round 2

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Grants, Payments for equipment, technology and infrastructure
Solar panels on roof of a farm building in English farmland

In a few weeks’ time, you will once again have the opportunity to apply for an Improving Farm Productivity grant. The grant pays for capital items including robotic, automatic and solar equipment that improve farm and horticulture productivity. To help you prepare, we’ve published guidance on GOV.UK. In this post, I’ll share an overview of the grant, the changes we've made following Round 1 and link to the guidance.

Apply now for grant to support private investment in nature

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Grants, Payments to support private investment
Image of a farm building and sheep on a gradient

At the end of November, we shared details of a grant designed to help farmers attract private investment into nature. We said we’d blog again when it was time to apply and we’re pleased to say that from today, you can.  This post includes a link for you to watch a recording of our webinar on the grant.

Farming regulation from the new year

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Fields of soft green extending to the horizon in winter

As part of the agricultural transition away from the European Union (EU), we’re committed to delivering a better regulation system for farming. At the moment, farmers who receive payments under the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and some other agri-environment schemes must meet minimum standards to receive those payments. This is known as cross compliance. Cross compliance will end 31 December 2023. We've published guidance about what this means for farmers and land managers on GOV.UK.

Watch Bodbury Farm: our experience accessing free business advice

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Sarah and Byron Odell stand in a field on their Shropshire pig farm

Through the Farming Resilience Fund, farmers and land managers who receive BPS payments can access free, independent business advice. In this film, we travel to Shropshire to meet rare breed pig farmers Sarah and Byron Odell. Together with their adviser Karen Fisher, they describe their business objectives and the advice they were given. 

Annual health and welfare review of livestock now available to more farmers in England

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Grants, Payments to support animal health and welfare
A farmer and vet in discussion in a barn during an annual health and welfare review

I am pleased to tell you that the annual health and welfare review of livestock is now open to non-BPS registered farmers, meaning more livestock keepers in England can now apply. Through the Review, farmers who keep cattle, sheep and pigs can get funding to pay for a vet to visit their farm and carry out a yearly review.

Further round of the Research Starter competition coming soon 

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A vineyard with vines growing in parallel lines.

Farmers, growers and foresters in England will soon be able to apply for a share of £850,000 for ideas that improve productivity, sustainability, resilience and move the agricultural sector to net zero.  Opening on 18 December, the Research Starter competition offers an entry point to the innovation process for those with bold, ambitious, early-stage ideas.  We published guidance for the competition today to help you prepare.

Coming soon: grants to attract private investment in nature

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Grants, Payments to support private investment
Patchwork of fields in the south-west of England

The Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund (NEIRF) will soon offer grants designed to help farmers attract private investment in nature. You’ll be able to apply for a grant on 11 December 2023. We've published guidance for the grant on GOV.UK to help you prepare.