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Why we’re putting area limits on some SFI actions

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Up on the hill the farmer is turning the grass to help it dry and so get a crop of hay rather than sileage. Photo taken in High Birkwith.

Since we opened the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) for applications, we’ve continued to refine the scheme. One of the things we’ve been monitoring is the impact of those actions which take land out of food production. In this post, we’ll explain why we’re putting area limits on some SFI actions.

Horticultural farmers and growers in England – apply for an FETF grant today

With the deadline fast approaching, I want to encourage horticulture growers and farmers in England – and contractors to them – to consider applying for a grant offered through the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund 2024 (FETF). 

Farming Podcast: improving animal health and welfare on your farm  

In this episode of the Farming podcast, our lead for healthier animals, Martin Jenkins, talks to dairy farmer Karen Halton. They are joined by infectious disease expert and vet James Russell. They explain what to expect from the SFI annual health and welfare review,

Animal Health and Welfare grants now available

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You can now apply for an Animal Health and Welfare grant through the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) 2024. These grants go towards the cost of items on a list that support animal health and welfare. We developed the list with farmers, vets and other experts. There are over 130 items on the list and 29 are new for this round. You'll see a range of items: from mobile cattle handling systems to enclosed piglet creeps to poultry perches. If you're a livestock farmer, it's worth taking a look.

From application to agreement: making the process to join SFI simple

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Interior shot of Mac screen in a kitchen, with SFI apply page displayed

When you apply for the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), we want your experience to be smooth and we want to offer you as much flexibility as possible. In this post, we’ll set out what you can do and what we’re doing to make the process of applying as straightforward as it can be, so you can join the 14,000 other farmers, growers and land managers who've already applied.

The evidence we use to develop our environmental land management schemes 

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A patchwork of fields including sheep and cows taken in the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire.

We’re committed to ensuring that the policies underpinning our environmental land management schemes are based on the very latest and best possible evidence. One evidence source is the recently published qualitative environmental impact assessment (QEIA). In this post I’ll give an overview.  

Webinar follow up: the offer for arable and horticulture growers

On Thursday 29 February, we held a webinar for arable and field horticulture growers in England. In this post, I’ll share the recording and summarise the themes that emerged in the questions and I’ll set out the best ways for you to get answers.

Farming Equipment and Technology Fund: improving productivity and slurry management grants available

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I am pleased to say you can now apply for a productivity and slurry management grant through the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF). In this post, I’ll set out the process to apply, links to the guidance and details of an upcoming webinar to learn more.