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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Horticultural farmers and growers in England – apply for an FETF grant today

Lavender growing in rows, Snowshill, Gloucestershire, early in the lavender harvest.
Credit: iorek7z

With the deadline fast approaching, I want to encourage horticulture growers and farmers in England – and contractors to them – to consider applying for a grant offered through the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund 2024 (FETF). 

The FETF provides grants that go towards the cost of equipment and technology that support improvements in productivity, slurry management and animal health and welfare. 

Successful applicants will receive a grant of:  

  • a minimum of £1,000 and a maximum of £50,000 towards productivity items (deadline 17 April 2024) 
  • a minimum of £1,000 and a maximum of £50,000 towards slurry items (deadline 17 April 2024) 
  • a minimum of £1,000 and a maximum of £25,000 towards animal health and welfare items (deadline 1 May 2024) 

In this post, I'll set out the items that horticulture farmers and growers can apply for and the steps to apply.

There are many items relevant to horticulture available for a FETF grant. The list of equipment aimed at horticulture can be found on GOV.UK. It includes:

  • FETF422 - Tractor powered electric desiccator for weed control
  • FETF218 - Robotic drill and guided hoe
  • FETF404 - Front mounted orchard pruner
  • FETF402 - Tractor mounted sensor for precision orchard management
  • FETF403 - Plug transplanting machine
  • FETF1 - Electronic tray filling machine
  • FETF2 - Electronic row seeder
  • FETF405 - Drone for spraying whitewash on to glasshouses
  • FETF5/6/7 - Inter row hoes and weeders
  • FETF216/7 - Camera guided inter row sprayers
  • FETF425 - Camera guided spot sprayer 24m
  • FETF47 - Assisted steer system (retro fitted for older tractors)
  • FETF50 - Variable rate controller for seed drills, sprayers and fertiliser spreaders
  • FETF21/22 - Rainwater harvesting for crop irrigation
  • FETF118 - Digital weather station
  • FETF214 - Soil health monitor package
  • FETF213 - Remote soil moisture sensing
  • FETF401 - Remote substrate sensors with datalogger
  • FETF417 - Sand filter
  • FETF23 - UV Water treatment system
  • FETF415 - Irrigation controller for rain guns
  • FETF416 - Field drain cleaner
  • FETF219 - Cameras for monitoring farmyard
  • FETF200 - Tractor mounted flail mulcher for orchards and vineyards
  • FETF215 - Weed wiper
  • FETF40 - Heat recovery unit to heat water
  • FETF43 - Variable speed drive for pumps and electric motors

We’ve listed the items into categories so they're easier to navigate. They are:

There will soon be an opportunity to let us know about items of equipment you would like to see on the list for future rounds. We'll blog with further details.  

Steps to apply 

  1. Read the FETF 2024 guidance for information about the grants and the item lists. 
  2. Check the specification of the items you want to apply for in the 2024 items and specifications lists – specifications may have changed from previous FETF item lists.   
  3.  Check the availability of the items you want to apply for with your supplier.     
  4. Do not order or buy anything at this stage, unless you are paying with a refundable deposit. The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) will reject your claim if you do not meet these conditions.  
  5.  Register with the Rural Payments service.  
  6. Check your business and contact details in the Rural Payments service are correct. Your personal record on Rural Payments must have a permission level of either ‘make legal changes’ or ‘full permissions’ for the business you are applying for.    
  7.  Read the FETF 2024 terms and conditions.     
  8. Register and login to the Farming Investment Fund service to submit your application by the application deadlines. The Farming Investment Fund service is separate to the Rural Payments service and requires you to complete a new registration. If you want to apply for more than one grant, you’ll need to submit separate applications. The service is an online system where you’ll need to answer questions about you and your business. Your details must match those in the Rural Payments service. Your application should take around 20 minutes to complete. 
  9. Make sure that your application is complete before you submit it. You won't be able to amend your application after it's been submitted. 

You’ll receive an acknowledgement email within 24 hours of applying – you may need to check your junk folder for emails about your application.    

The RPA will allocate funding once all the applications have been received and scored. You may not receive any, or all of the funding you apply for.  

If your application is successful, the RPA will send you a Grant Funding Agreement (GFA). GFAs for each grant will be sent separately. If your application is unsuccessful, the RPA will write to you to tell you why. 

Use the Farming Investment Fund service to accept your GFA by the deadline which will be in the email. You’ll need to select each grant to accept each GFA.   

We've set out the steps you’ll need to follow to claim your FETF 2024 grant payment on GOV.UK.   

Learn more  

Our team hosted a webinar on the FETF grants on 12 March 2024. 

Watch the recording of the webinar. 

We recently blogged about the Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for horticultural growers and farmers in England.  

If you have questions about your application or item specifications, email or call the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) helpline on 03000 200 301 and select the option for the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund.

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  1. Comment by robert chappell posted on

    hi could you offer grantof 75% for any cattle farmer who gets closed down with tb and has to test many cattle every 60days for cattle handling mobile collection of gates around £2500. it would be so much safer for vets and farmers. so many farmers cant afford the mobile system on your grant list.

  2. Comment by trevor thomas posted on

    more information requ on FETF 214 soil health monitoring package

    • Replies to trevor thomas>

      Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on

      Hi Trevor,

      If you let me know what you're after, I'll ask the team and get back to you.

      Best wishes,

  3. Comment by Caroline posted on

    Hi, if you are an agent and applying for an FETF on behalf of clients do you have to register for each individual client separately on the FIF service i.e is it per person or business?
    Thank you


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