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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Watch: Funding for farmers webinar

Someone writes in a notebook with laptop in the background

On Wednesday 6 September, we held a webinar for farmers to learn more about the funding available in England.  

Policy leads working on the Sustainable Farming Incentive, the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund and the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway explained the offer and answer your questions. 

As this is the first time we tried this format out, we’d appreciate your feedback. It would be particularly helpful to know how useful you found the webinar, if you’d like us to plan more, their frequency and your thoughts on how they could be improved.

You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

We'll review all the feedback and blog again with an update on future plans.  

Watch the webinar

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  1. Comment by Denise Seely posted on

    Good idea. It would be very helpful if you could enter the time date and subject in the email header. I will book through eventbrite and no doubt will receive confirmation with a header of 'thank you for your booking'
    I forward the email to myself with a well described header, otherwise I would not be able to located the joining instructions.

    Thank you

    • Replies to Denise Seely>

      Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on

      Hi Denise,

      I've asked the engagement team organising the webinar to look into this. If you've already signed up and received the confirmation email from Eventbrite and a change is made to the header, another confirmation won't be sent out so you won't see the change in your inbox - but we'll make sure this is addressed for future events.

      Thanks for the suggestion.
      Best wishes,

  2. Comment by Simon Richard Clark posted on

    Can we leave questions here or do we have to attend the webinar to ask them.
    My question is regarding the SFI, if I put my whole farm into SFI am I still classified as a farmer with regard to inheritance tax and Agricultural relief on land.
    The revenue's position was always that you had to be an active farmer, ie whose enterprise was subject to risk.

  3. Comment by Samantha Jones posted on

    Are the questions we asked at the webinar going to be answered? Just read the calf housing grant its only 40% of a shed over £34k so it’s still out of reach for many small farmers in the current climate,
    It feels like you are pushing small producers out.
    Could it’s not be 40% of a smaller shed.
    It also doesn’t say if the grant includes all fixtures and fitting?

  4. Comment by Tony William Powell posted on

    As an interested industry outsider, could this webinar be uploaded to YouTube for later viewing?

    Best wishes

    Tony Powell

    • Replies to Tony William Powell>

      Comment by The Team posted on

      Hi Tony,

      Farmers can watch the video back (and download it) using the link above.

      Best wishes,
      The Team


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