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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Publishing the Agricultural Transition Plan

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Hay in a British field

Today we’re publishing some important documents that explain what the Future of Farming Programme is for, and set out our plans for the next few years.

They are:

  • The Agricultural Transition Plan itself – this sets out what we’re planning to do, how and when, and explains how it all fits together.  It’s mainly aimed at stakeholders in the farming community who need to see and absorb that level of policy detail.
  • A summary booklet – this is a shorter  summary of the full plan. It focuses on the practicalities of what is happening and when, and what it means for farmers.
  • An adviser pack – for people who are likely to be advising other people about the contents of the full plan.

Shaping farming policy for the next 7 years

This Agricultural Transition Plan sets out how Defra's support for farmers and land managers will change over the next 7 years.

It explains the new policy changes in detail, as well as explaining how we intend to approach doing the work.

As we said in our introductory post last week, we intend to use this blog to be as open and collaborative as possible about the work we’re doing.  Today is just the beginning – we’ll have lots more to tell you, on this blog and in other ways too, in the months and years ahead.

There will be plenty of opportunities for members of the farming community to get more information, or to get actively involved in the process.

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) created a calculator to work out direct payment reductions.

Please note that the payments from 2025 to 2028 shown on the AHDB calculator are purely illustrative.

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