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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

This is us, working in the open

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Future Farming and Countryside Programme












Hello. This is the first post on the Defra Future Farming blog.

We're the team working on the Future of Farming programme, which is all about how UK farming policy will change over the next few years.

We'll use this blog to share our work with anyone and everyone who's interested in it. We'll post frequent short updates, some about big important announcements but mostly about smaller incremental steps we take along the way.

As a team we're very keen to establish an open ongoing conversation with the farming community. This blog is one method we can use to publish our thoughts as they develop and change over time. We believe that making things open makes them better.

If you'd like to be notified every time we publish something new here, you can subscribe by email - look for the buttons in the sidebar on the right.

Very soon we'll have posts about trials we've been running with farmers, about the process of co-design, and much more.

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  1. Comment by Rob Yorke posted on

    Hi Janet

    Good news. Look forward to first snippet on this wide ranging transition - which also includes other land managers and foresters. Oh, and beware posting too many thoughts which you may regret later (Twitter's the place for that!) as per your list of govt design principles you refer to:-

    1. Start with user needs
    2. Do less
    3. Design with data
    4. Do the hard work to make it simple
    5. Iterate. Then iterate again
    6. This is for everyone
    7. Understand context
    8. Build digital services, not websites
    9. Be consistent, not uniform
    10. Make things open: it makes things better

    Good luck and best wishes

    Rob Yorke FRICS

    • Replies to Rob Yorke>

      Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on

      Hi Rob. Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment! I manage the blog. Transparency is really important to us so the plan is to post regularly about what we're learning, what we're doing and how we're doing it. In the posts that follow you'll hear how design principles inform our approach. Best wishes, Sarah.

  2. Comment by Richard Edwards posted on

    Hi Janet/Sarah,

    This is a link to a website that details a 'future farming' project that colleagues and I have developed which the Welsh Govt have just 'prioritised for action' under its Green Recovery Plan. Needless to say we want to share the benefits across the UK and would welcome the opportunity to present details in a post-Covid world.
    Happy to discuss via zoom, phone or email.



    Richard Edwards

    • Replies to Richard Edwards>

      Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on

      Hi Richard,

      Thanks for visiting our blog. My colleagues Ellen and Charlie are working with the devolved administrations and will no doubt be eager to learn more! I've shared your message with them.


      • Replies to Sarah Stewart>

        Comment by Richard Edwards posted on

        Thanks Sarah, principles can work in England as well so share around the office as benefits could be great for entire farming industry.




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