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Our response to the Rock Review: one year on

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View of the estate with livestock grazing in background amid generally verdant scene.

Our response to the Rock Review set out our commitments in light of its recommendations. It is now one year since we published our response. And, of the 75 commitments, we have completed or are working on 64. In this post, we’ll summarise the progress we have made over the last year. We also shine a light on the role of the Farm Tenancy Forum and the collaborative approach of one farm in Oxfordshire. 

Landscape Recovery: building long-term agreements

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Landscape Recovery supports large-scale, long-term management of land for the benefit of sustainable food production and the environment. Many of the 22 projects in Round 1 are now halfway through the Project Development Phase (PDP). Our ability to co-design this scheme is founded on open and honest relationships with project teams. In this post, we share a summary of the work to develop long-term agreements.

Guest post: Upper Duddon Landscape Recovery

Dry stone wall in foreground of image showing the Upper Duddon Valley under blue skies

In the first round of Landscape Recovery, £12 million of development funding was awarded to 22 projects in England. This money supports plans to restore rivers, boost biodiversity and much more. The projects represent hundreds of farmers and landowners working together to deliver significant environmental change. One such project is the Upper Duddon Landscape Recovery Project, for which I am project lead. In this post, I will shine a light on our work.

Future Farming Podcast: Tenants, landlords and our new environmental schemes

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In episode 9 of the Future Farming podcast, Defra's farming strategy lead, Briony Turner, talks to land use adviser Harry Greenfield of the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) and farm adviser Lynette Steel, of the Tenant Farmers Association (TFA) about new environmental schemes.

Making the Sustainable Farming Incentive work for tenants

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We are developing our new environmental land management schemes so that there is an offer for all farm types. This includes tenants on tenanted land. In this post, I’d like to share how we’re designing the Sustainable Farming Incentive so that tenants can access the scheme in a fair and straightforward way.  

The Sustainable Farming Incentive: what’s new, improved and coming in 2022

Today we published further information on the Sustainable Farming Incentive. You can find it, in full, on GOV.UK. In this post, I’ll share a summary of the things that are new, the things we’ve changed following feedback and what you can expect in 2022.