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Animal Health and Welfare grants now available

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You can now apply for an Animal Health and Welfare grant through the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) 2024. These grants go towards the cost of items on a list that support animal health and welfare. We developed the list with farmers, vets and other experts. There are over 130 items on the list and 29 are new for this round. You'll see a range of items: from mobile cattle handling systems to enclosed piglet creeps to poultry perches. If you're a livestock farmer, it's worth taking a look.

New round of Farming Equipment and Technology Fund grants opening soon  

English rural landscape in with grazing Holstein Friesian cattle

The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund  is part of the Farming Investment Fund. It offers grants for specific items of equipment to increase productivity, boost environmental sustainability and improve animal health and welfare. Today, we published the full list of items available through the fund. In this post, I’ll explain what is available, when you can apply for a grant and provide links for you to find out more. 

Large Research and Development Partnerships: further innovation funding available

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Montage of cows, hydroponics, sheep and vertical farming and cows

Later this month, the second round of the Large Research and Development Partnerships fund will open. From 20 February, agri-businesses, farmers, growers and foresters in England will be able to apply for a share of £8 million to improve productivity, sustainability and resilience. In this post, I’ll give an overview of the competition and details of events for you to find out more.

Improving Farm Productivity grants: open for applications

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At the end of last year, we published a manual on the Improving Farm Productivity grant, which is part of the Farming Transformation Fund. Today we opened the window for applications. We’re also hosting a webinar next week for you to find out more. 

Farming Innovation Programme: applications open next week

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Earlier this summer, we said that we would launch the first competitions of the new Industry-led Research and Development Partnerships Fund in October. I'm pleased to say that we’re on track. The £17.5 million Industry-led Research and Development Partnerships Fund is the first of 3 funds to launch in the new Farming Innovation Programme. Applications for a share of this funding will open Wednesday 20 October 2021.