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Get ready for our 3 new environmental land management schemes

Today we published more information on Local Nature Recovery and Landscape Recovery – which, along with the Sustainable Farming Incentive, make up our 3 new and ambitious environmental land management schemes.

Catch up on our Landscape Recovery information sessions

Landscape Recovery is 1 of our 3 new environmental land management schemes. Over the summer, we held some information sessions about the scheme. The sessions were recorded. So, if you weren't able to attend, you can still learn more by watching any of the 3 videos below.

Learn more about the Landscape Recovery scheme

I’m excited to share an invitation to farmers and other land managers to join one of our online introductory sessions about the Landscape Recovery pilot. The sessions will be a chance to learn more about the upcoming pilot, ask questions and share your ideas for its development. Your feedback and questions will help us develop and finalise the details of the scheme.