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environmental land management schemes

Catch up on our Landscape Recovery information sessions

Landscape Recovery is 1 of our 3 new environmental land management schemes. Over the summer, we held some information sessions about the scheme. The sessions were recorded. So, if you weren't able to attend, you can still learn more by watching any of the 3 videos below.

Answering farmers' questions about the Sustainable Farming Incentive - part 2

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TFF part 2

The Farming Forum recently held a Q&A session with Janet Hughes, Defra’s Future Farming and Countryside Programme Director. Farmers were invited to submit their questions about the Sustainable Farming Incentive. Clive Bailye, Director of the Farming Forum, put the most-asked questions to Janet. This is part 2 of 2.

What we’re learning about collaboration through tests and trials

Two people in conversation at an agricultural show

One goal of Defra’s Future Farming and Countryside Programme is to help farmers and land managers achieve bigger, better environmental benefits. There’s a lot that farmers can do individually on their own land, but there are often circumstances where it makes more sense for several people or businesses to join forces and collaborate on something that benefits all of them, as well as the environment. We want to encourage more collaboration like this.

Measuring success: the role of self-assessment

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Farmers can play a critical role in tackling the nature and climate crises, but do they also have an important role in assessing the health of the natural environment too? This is the question the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) posed as part of a Defra-funded test and trial.

Answering farmers' questions about the Sustainable Farming Incentive

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Conversations we're having, environmental land management schemes, Q&A, Things we're doing

The Farming Forum recently held a Q&A session with Janet Hughes, Defra’s Future Farming and Countryside Programme Director. Farmers were invited to submit their questions about the Sustainable Farming Incentive. Clive Bailye, Director of the Farming Forum, put the most-asked questions to Janet. This is part 1 of 2.

A view from the farm

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My name is Harry Baker Cresswell. I farm Preston Mains Farm in Northumberland. I have been involved in tests and trials since 2018. It has been a great opportunity for myself and the 52 other farmers in the 23 Burns Collective to help Defra co-design the new environmental land management schemes. I'd like to share my view.

Learn more about the Landscape Recovery scheme

I’m excited to share an invitation to farmers and other land managers to join one of our online introductory sessions about the Landscape Recovery pilot. The sessions will be a chance to learn more about the upcoming pilot, ask questions and share your ideas for its development. Your feedback and questions will help us develop and finalise the details of the scheme.

Tests and trials: the latest evidence

We recently published the latest evidence report which pulls together our findings from tests and trials. The report gives an overview of everything we’ve learnt across our 78 tests and trials over the last 6 months. In this post, I’d like to share a summary.