This year’s Sustainable Farming Incentive offer

In this post, we’ll share details of the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and links for you to learn more.
Tom is a policy lead in Defra’s Sustainable Farming Incentive team.
His team is responsible for developing, testing and refining policy for the scheme roll out from 2022. This team works with the Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme pilot, tests and trials, and other parts of new environmental land management schemes
In this post, we’ll share details of the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and links for you to learn more.
We plan to launch the Sustainable Farming Incentive in June. Today we can share the final standards and payment rates, our approach to the applications process and how to prepare, In this post, I’ll provide an overview and share links to further information on GOV.UK. I’ll also explain how farmers have directly shaped the scheme through the Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot, tests and trials, engagement sessions, co-design activity and discussions.
Today we published further information on the Sustainable Farming Incentive. You can find it, in full, on GOV.UK. In this post, I’ll share a summary of the things that are new, the things we’ve changed following feedback and what you can expect in 2022.
In July, we opened the applications window for farmers to join our Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot. In this post, Lisa Applin (Rural Payments Agency) and Tom Lewis (Future Farming and Countryside Programme) share the results of the application process, what the team learned and what they will do next.
In March, we invited farmers to express interest in taking part in the first Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot. In this post, we'd like to share the response and what we’ll do next.
In this post, I'll provide an overview of our approach to payments for farmers taking part in the Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot.
At NFU21, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, George Eustice, spoke about the Sustainable Farming Incentive. In this post, Tom Lewis explains our approach to SFI and what you need to know.
This blog is managed by Defra’s Farming and Countryside Programme.
On this blog, we explain the reforms to agricultural policy in England.
We share what we’re working on, what we’re learning and how you can get involved.
GOV.UK is the place to find official guidance and information.
Funding for farmers, growers and land managers sets out every payment on offer with links to learn more.
On 5 May, we are at North Somerset Show, Bathing Pond Fields, Wraxall, BS48 1NE.
Come and say hello to our team. We’ll be there from 8:30am.
You can also find us at these agricultural shows and conferences in 2025.
The Farming Advice Service (FAS) provide free, confidential advice to farmers and advisers.
Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF) helps farmers in England protect water, air and soil. CSF advisers can provide advice on best practices and specific actions that will benefit your farm business and the environment.
We’ve compiled a list of organisations offering wellbeing support to those in the farming community.
Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) in England will be replaced with delinked payments in 2024.