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We're working with farms to improve the way we regulate and support farming and the environment.

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An update on SFI and our agri-environment schemes 

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: environmental land management schemes, Sustainable Farming Incentive
Combine Harvester at work in Bradfield St George with farmer in foreground

It's been a while since our last post. We’re glad to be back! Over the past month, we've been welcoming Defra's new ministerial team, who are fully committed to environmental land management schemes. We've been working with them to optimise our schemes and grants for farmers, food security and nature recovery. In this post, we’ll update you on the SFI rollout, provide links to new supplementary scheme guidance and share details on endorsed actions and capital items.

Further funding to tackle endemic diseases

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Payments to support animal health and welfare
A farmer and a vet in discussion lean on the railings of a pen.

By reducing the levels of endemic disease in livestock, we can increase productivity, support businesses and unlock wider benefits too — from reducing greenhouse gas emissions to slowing antimicrobial resistance. The very nature of endemic disease means it is an ongoing concern. Managing it requires the sustained effort of livestock keepers, the support of vets and money. In recognition of this, we are offering additional financial support.

Introducing Laying Hen Housing for Health and Welfare grants

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Next month, a new grant for hen housing will be available to laying hen and pullet farmers in England with flocks of 1,000 birds or more. We've just published the guidance for the grant on GOV.UK. In this post we’ll share an overview of the grant and a link to the guidance.

Wet weather and temporary adjustments to agri-environment agreements

Heavy rainfall has a devastating and long-term impact on farming. This disruption not only affects livelihoods but also has wider implications for food security and the economy too. We're introducing temporary adjustments and easements within the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), the SFI Pilot, Countryside Stewardship (CS) and Environmental Stewardship (ES) to support farmers and land managers dealing with the impacts of severe weather in England.

Our response to the Rock Review: one year on

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Tenanted sector
View of the estate with livestock grazing in background amid generally verdant scene.

Our response to the Rock Review set out our commitments in light of its recommendations. It is now one year since we published our response. And, of the 75 commitments, we have completed or are working on 64. In this post, we’ll summarise the progress we have made over the last year. We also shine a light on the role of the Farm Tenancy Forum and the collaborative approach of one farm in Oxfordshire. 

Acting on the recommendations of the Dartmoor Review

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Future Farming and Countryside Programme

Last year, ministers commissioned an independent review into protected site management on Dartmoor. Chaired by David Fursdon, the review was undertaken with advice and input from a panel of expert advisers, local farmers and stakeholders. The review aimed to help us better understand how we can work with farmers to deliver much-needed environmental improvements on Dartmoor, balancing this alongside agricultural production, public access and cultural and natural heritage. Today we published our response to the report.

Water Restoration Fund: grants now available

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Groups of farmers in England can now apply for a grant to improve freshwater habitats. Through the new Water Restoration Fund, local groups can apply for funding to bolster their capacity and capabilities for delivery of on-the-ground projects which improve the water environment. In this post, we'll explain how the fund works.

Storm Henk: grants available for affected farmers

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If you suffered damage to your land during Storm Henk that was uninsurable, the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) will contact you about financial support to help cover the costs of returning your land to the condition it was in before flooding occurred. In this post, we'll give an overview. Post updated 12 April.