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Watch: webinar on the farming offer in 2024

On Friday 26 January, we held a webinar for farmers. During the session, we gave an overview of the actions and payments available through our environmental land management schemes in 2024.

This webinar was held in collaboration with the Farming Advice Service (FAS) and The Farming Forum (TFF).

In addition to the recording, FAS have shared a podcast of the webinar.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes was joined by the policy lead working on the Sustainable Farming Incentive, Jonathan Marsden.

Colleagues from the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) were on hand to help answer questions. 

If you found the webinar helpful or have suggestions for future webinars, please leave a comment below.

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  1. Comment by Elizabeth Ranelagh posted on

    Is the webinar on Thursday 25th or Friday 26th? (All references are to Thursday 26th January.)

    • Replies to Elizabeth Ranelagh>

      Comment by beckybriggs posted on

      Hi Elizabeth,

      Good spot, sorry about that - I've amended the post - it should be Friday 26 January. FAS will update the wording on the registration link shortly.


  2. Comment by Jane Harrison posted on


    There are errors on the registration form that make it impossible to complete correctly.

    If you put Adviser in as a job title the next box asks " If you selected "other," please specify. The box is red.

    There is a similar issue further down - How did you hear about this webinar? Defra farming blog and you get If "other," please specify in another red box.


    • Replies to Jane Harrison>

      Comment by beckybriggs posted on

      Hi Jane,

      Thank you so much for flagging this. The errors on the registration link are resolved now, we look forward to seeing you at the webinar.


  3. Comment by Graham Farrar posted on

    This Programme commits a large allocation of Public Money. Should applications be backed up by independent verification, e.g. is the parcel of grassland really Species Rich, and what level of auditing will be introduced to justify this spend in the future, and with what consequences if fraudulent claims have been made?

  4. Comment by Lucy posted on

    Hi will this be recorded please?

    • Replies to Lucy>

      Comment by The Team posted on

      Hi Lucy,

      Yes it will. We'll include a link to the recording in this post after the session.

      Best wishes,
      The Team

  5. Comment by Janet posted on

    Please can we have a link to the recording, unfortunately I was unable to make it.

  6. Comment by Chris posted on

    Where can I find the link to the recording? Thank you

  7. Comment by A Campbell posted on

    When will the recording of this webinar be made available?

  8. Comment by Wayne Sedgwick posted on

    please could i request the link to the webinar
    many thanks

  9. Comment by Laura Higham posted on

    Hello! When will the recording be posted please? Thanks!

  10. Comment by Jonathan Powell posted on

    Can you let us know when the recording will be ready to view, thanks Jonathan

  11. Comment by Kevin Kendall posted on

    Sorry but I can't find the link to the recorded webinar. Could you help please?

  12. Comment by Tom posted on

    Hi - have you uploaded the recording?


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