On 13 October, we held a webinar on the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) for organic farmers and growers.
Christopher Stopes, Co-chair of the English Organic Forum introduced the hour-long session.
Our colleagues Daniel De Cruz and Jonathan Marsden, part of the Farming and Countryside Programme, set out the offer.
The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) explained the process to apply for an agreement.
Attendees put their questions to the team.
If you couldn't make it, you can watch the recording.
This was our second farmer webinar. We’re setting up a series of them. If you have feedback or suggestions, do leave a comment below.
Comment by Dru Butterfield posted on
I missed the organic farmers growers and producers webinar on Friday 13th. I registered for the event. Will I be sent a recording?
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Dru,
Here's a link to the recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/NS2LKmPRqX-6s85ibhAveZziDiXy6IKiVhVNq9Qya9au9TqBdgsdNs_nkIXChmWbdluEEWUtkPQ7uu-H.9OpEO8PQGc4pNKGr?canPlayFromShare=true&from=share_recording_detail&continueMode=true&componentName=rec-play&originRequestUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fus02web.zoom.us%2Frec%2Fshare%2FE42zxzxhVt1nfhjdTP98W-FBay06ujRSBOshjrYGkIO_mZdWnX8L_CxLJfW3IO2O.00ESqwR-GjSvl4gc
Best wishes,