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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Test and Trials: watch the North Cumbria Farmers Group

We're developing schemes that reward environmental land management.

To make sure that those schemes work in practice, farmers and land managers across England are putting elements of those schemes to the test.

It's one of the ways though which we're carrying out co-design in the Future Farming and Countryside Programme.

What we learn from these tests and trials will directly shape and improve the schemes.

The North Cumbria Farmers Group is one group involved in tests and trials. The group is is looking at the support farmers and land managers need to produce land management plans and a landscape plan incorporating natural capital.

Their test explores the benefits of collaboration and how working together could support the development of a Nature Recovery Network.

With thanks to the North Cumbria Farmers Group for taking part.

Read the transcript.

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  1. Comment by Tony Powell posted on

    Very good, more of the same, please.

  2. Comment by John Pope posted on

    Well done. Nothing flashy or scripted here. Just decent farmers wanting to do the very best job they can on their land.

  3. Comment by Paul posted on

    10.03.2022: The link to the transcript does not work.


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