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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Watch Episode 1: Land Management Plans and the Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot

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A land management plan brings together various pieces of information including maps, field records and details of how the land is being managed.  

Farmers and land managers can use them to record environmental changes on their land.  

Through tests and trials, we wanted to understand the role they could play in our future schemes.  In the Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot, we provided farmers with 3 different land management plan templates. Each template was developed through tests and trials. 

One of the templates was developed by the North Devon Pioneer  group. In this video, find out how participants Liz and Bryan, used land management planning to prepare their farm business for the future.  

The North Devon Pioneer template is a land management plan which links farm business finance to natural capital assessments. 

It identifies opportunities to reduce environmental pressures and increase the quantity and/or quality of those assets.

The North Devon Pioneer group liked the structure of this template and found the financial aspects to be particularly useful, because they help with decision making such as working out what standards to apply for. 

Our learning from Test and Trials is helping to inform the design of future schemes. We’re looking forward to building on our findings about land management plans through the pilot and exploring how we can make the most of them as part of environmental land management.

This is the first in a series of 3 videos about land management planning in the Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot. Subscribe to the Future Farming blog so you don’t miss the next one. 

With thanks to Bryan, Liz and Clare.

Read the transcript of the video. 

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  1. Comment by George posted on


    Who draws up the Land management plans? Do Natural England have an involvements with all of them, and an agricultural financial advisor? As a farm secretary I think this is beyond my capabilities - I am not a financial advisor that's for sure...!

    • Replies to George>

      Comment by The Team posted on

      Hi George,

      Thanks for visiting. Those involved with drawing up the land management plans change depending on the test and trial that produced them. Typically a land manager and adviser work together to complete one. Natural England are not involved with all the tests and trials producing land management plans.

      Best wishes,
      The Team

  2. Comment by Peter Lemon posted on

    I have watched the North Devon Pioneer SFI pilot with real interest and I wish to make a similar survey of the current situation regarding the environment on my farm.

    Can you please let me know how I can get hold of the blank form and advisory notes that go with it.

    • Replies to Peter Lemon>

      Comment by The Team posted on

      Hi Peter,

      Thanks for watching the video. Your comment has just been shared with the SFI Pilot team using the email address you supplied, so they'll be in contact very soon.

      Best wishes,
      The Team

  3. Comment by Julie Wickington posted on

    Hi Team

    What are the expectations for completing a SFI Land Management Plan? When would you like this completed? Which template are we to use?

    Thanks Julie W

    • Replies to Julie Wickington>

      Comment by The Team posted on

      Hi Julie,

      Thanks for your question.

      Farmers taking part in our SFI pilot were asked to produce a Land Management plan. As part of our piloting approach, we want to understand the variety of ways farmers approach planning the management of their land, and how this informs the decisions farmers make when applying, and for the future management of land.

      Land management plans are not included in the Sustainable Farming Incentive in 2022.

      Do you have a Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot agreement? If so, contact the pilot design and learning team who will be able to help you with any queries about your SFI pilot land management plan.

      Best wishes,
      The Team


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