We've made some minor changes to the SFI Handbook for the 2023 offer and provided voluntary guidance on how you could do the SFI actions in response to feedback from farmers.
In this post, we’ll share an overview and links.
Updates to the SFI Handbook for the 2023 offer
In June, we published the SFI Handbook for the 2023 offer on GOV.UK. It sets out all the actions we will pay for and the scheme's rules.
In response to feedback from farmers and others, we’ve:
- clarified some wording
- increased flexibility of some actions – for example:
- farmers can now rotate actions NUM3 (legume fallow) and AHL1 (pollen and nectar flower mix) as part of crop rotations
- action SAM3 (herbal leys) can now be done on the same land as Countryside Stewardship options OT1 and OR1 (relating to organic land)
- updated the handbook to link to the ‘how to do the actions’ guidance, which we’ll explain below.
We’re making these changes because the controlled rollout of the 2023 offer has not yet started.
Once the controlled rollout starts from later this month, we’ll minimise any further changes to the SFI handbook.
This is to provide stability, give certainty to farmers and agents, and save them the trouble of having to keep up to date with changes.
Voluntary 'How to do the SFI actions' guidance
We’ve also created ‘How to do the SFI actions’ guidance. This new guidance explains good practice.
It gives advice on how you might choose to do the actions in the SFI handbook. It gives reassurance if you're unsure how to undertake an action, or if you're concerned you might do the wrong thing.
It covers each of the 23 actions in the SFI 2023 offer. These actions relate to:
- soil health
- assessment of moorland
- hedgerows
- integrated pest management
- nutrient management
- farmland wildlife
- buffer strips
- low input grassland
This new guidance is voluntary. It’s there to help. You don’t have to follow it.
This is part of our overall approach to making SFI less prescriptive than previous schemes.
The SFI handbook for the 2023 offer sets out what farmers must do. All other guidance is voluntary.
Coming soon
Before we start accepting application for the SFI 2023 offer, we’ll publish guidance to help farmers applying for an SFI agreement.
It will cover:
- how to apply for an SFI agreement, including a video to explain the online application process
- how to check and accept an SFI agreement offer in the Rural Payments service.
Comment by Anna posted on
As the SAM3 / OR1&OT1 rule change affects 2023 MT CSS applications, I trust requested amendments to those applications already submitted will be carried out internally, as it would be unreasonable to expect applicants to start again from scratch?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Anna,
The best thing to do is to contact the RPA with more details of your situation.
This link explains the ways to get in touch with them: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/contact-the-rpa-about-sfi
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Guy Wakeham posted on
It is good to see a broadened offering. As an early adopter of SFI 2022, I really hope we can join immediately it becomes available to make the most of the new cropping season.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hello Guy,
Thanks for getting in touch. We will start accepting applications for the new, expanded SFI offer in a controlled rollout from the end of this month.
The RPA will be in touch with 2022 agreement holders to discuss their options for the 2023 offer.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Richard Chapman posted on
How do I get a copy of the SFI handbook?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Richard,
The SFI Handbook can be found on GOV.UK: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sfi-handbook-for-the-sfi-2023-offer
At present, there aren't any plans to publish a hard copy, but if that changes, we'll let people know.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Peter Joyce posted on
If you haven't already done so, could you publish guidance on how to come out of a Countryside Stewardship agreement and go into an SFI agreement where the farmer is essentially doing exactly the same actions in SFI as he was doing in the CS agreement?
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Peter,
Thanks for getting in touch. I shared your query with the team. In general, people can leave a CS agreement to move into another agreement of equivalent or higher environmental value.
They asked for more details: does your CS agreement come to an end this year? Which options are you thinking moving from and to? Are you proposing to stop other options that aren’t in SFI?
Best wishes,
Comment by Peter Joyce posted on
It is a 2023 CS agreement. It is a straight swap where all the CS options will become their equivalent under SFI but I want to add some options from SFI that are not available under CS.
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Thanks for the extra information. I put this to the team and they said we are not able to offer this service at the moment, but you'll be able to apply for the SFI options as a separate agreement.
I hope this helps,
Comment by James Bucher posted on
I agree with Guy Wakeham, we were also early adopters of SFI 2022 and should not be penalised for doing so by not being allowed to join the new rollout later this month.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi James,
You won’t be at any disadvantage because you entered the earlier version of the scheme and we will make the transition as seamless as possible for you.
The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) is contacting SFI holders about their next steps. Pages 11 and 12 of the SFI handbook contain more information about this: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1178963/SFI23_handbook.pdf
In short, if you’re already in SFI, you will be able to access the full 2023 offer.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by toby posted on
As one of the rather few SFI 22 joiners I think our enthusiasm should be noted and be allowed to join SFI 23 at the first opening as we know how to apply and here have planned our farming since the expanded offer was announced in June so our actions will immediately start to deliver.It seems very discouraging and rather perverse to be delayed for 6 months and made to wait behind others who didnt believe in SFI from the start.
Comment by Alison Cross posted on
I am an agent but was unable to join the recent agent's webinar. Is there a recording available?
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Alison,
No problem. I checked with the team and there is a recording. Do I have your permission to use the email address you supplied (when you left your comment) to forward it to you?
Best wishes,
Comment by Alison Cross posted on
Hi Sarah,
That's great and yes you have permission to use the email address.
Comment by Debra Willoughby posted on
Could this webinar be available to farmers?
Not everyone wants to be paying an agent to do their application.
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
I passed your comment onto the engagement team who organise our webinars. They said that they will hold a webinar for farmers on 6 September. They will publish a post shortly about how to register. If you can't attend, the session will be recorded and we'll put this video online.
Best wishes,
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Debra,
Just to say, you can now sign up to the farmer's webinar on 6 September:
Best wishes,
Comment by Alison Cross posted on
Hi Sarah,
That's great and yes you have permission to use the supplied email address.
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Great. You'll receive an email shortly!
Comment by Adam Simper posted on
With regards to Sam3 Herbal Leys, In the first SFI hand book, the SAM3 herbal ley’s requirements said ,'You must establish and maintain herbal leys with a mixture of grasses, legumes, and herbs on the land entered into this action'.
From this I take it that you must use more than one of those species, eg, two grass species, two legumes and two herbs and that will suffice . Is that correct ?
Now with version V2 coming out, it still says on page 29, 'You must establish and maintain herbal leys with a mixture of grasses, legumes, and herbs on the land entered into this action' which is the same as V1. But under ‘how to do it’ it says You may find it helpful to read the voluntary guidance on how to establish and maintain herbal leys, but you do not have to follow it.
So when you click on the 'how to establish and maintain herbal leys' link it then says 'The correct seed mix is vital to growing a high-quality herbal ley. It will usually include at least' 5 grass species, 3 legumes & 5 Herbs, but it does use the word on the link, voluntary guidance?
Can you confirm what needs to be in the mix please
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Adam.
The SFI Handbook sets out the mandatory requirements for SAM3 on page 29.
The mix described in the voluntary guidance is intended to be helpful - it isn't mandatory.
You can choose what mix of grasses, legumes and herbs to use in the herbal ley. It's up to you how you complete the action, as long as you do it in a way that can reasonably be expected to achieve this action’s aim.
We hope this helps to clarify.
The Team
Comment by Sarah Cornforth posted on
Hi there,
Could you provide a specific date as to when the SFI 2023 goes live?
Many thanks,
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Sarah,
Dates for the rollout can be found here:
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by toby everett posted on
Really hoping to join in controlled roll out at end of August,even though I am in SFI 22. and given terrible wet harvest weather,it would be really good if farmers can sign up to SFI 23 as soon as possible so they know where some cash cash flow is coming from.Useful blog please keep us updated,thank you.
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Toby,
Thanks for visiting the blog and for getting in touch. I shared your comment with the SFI policy team.
We are due to begin the controlled roll out of the SFI 23 offer shortly. The RPA will be in touch with those SFI 22 agreement holders to discuss their options around coming into the new scheme. Alternatively you can contact the RPA directly now to your discuss options ruralpayments@defra.gov.uk
To reassure you, you won’t be at any disadvantage because you entered the earlier version of the scheme and you will be able to access the full offer.
I'm really pleased that you're finding the blog useful - we will continue to keep people updated here. If you haven't already, do subscribe to the blog. You'll receive an email every time we publish a post: https://defrafarming.blog.gov.uk/subscribe/
Best wishes,
Comment by Mark Yearsley posted on
Hi I have a client that is Organic and has a Mid Tier Agreement with OT3 option. He is interested in applying for an SFI Herbal Ley Option on some of his older pastures, is this possible?
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Mark,
If you're referring to SAM3 (Herbal leys), the presence of OT3 is not an issue. If you take a look at the SFI23 handbook (page 28), table 8 confirms that SAM3 and OT3 are compatible. It is worth noting that the other eligibility criteria for SAM3 would need to be meet – these are outlined on page 27 of the handbook – including that the older pastures are “improved grassland”.
I hope this helps,
Comment by Mark Yearsley posted on
Thank You Sarah,
Most helpful!
Comment by Carol bell posted on
I am in a css higher tier agreement till 2025 which is gs6 species rich meadows after this finishes in jan 25
It looks like it needs to be destroyed and planted with herbal leys to receive any payment in sfi
This seems totally crazy given the work I’ve done can you clarify my position thankyou as any advisers I have spoken to have said it would be in a basic level of sfi
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Carol,
Thanks for getting in touch. Species rich grassland/low input are not eligible for herbal leys. You'll find details of this in section 2.1 and 4.1.3 of the SFI Handbook: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sfi-handbook-for-the-sfi-2023-offer
Next year, we plan to add actions for species rich grasslands into SFI (in addition the the low input grassland action that is already there).
We hope this helps,
The Tea
Comment by Rebecca Larter posted on
Could you please send me the link to the webinar for agents, unfortunately I missed it. Do you have a date yet for when the phased roll out will commence?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Rebecca,
Do we have permission to use the email you supplied when you left a comment so we can share the link to the webinar recording?
Details of the roll out can be found here:
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Tracy Tappenden posted on
The guidance on SAM3 mixture requirements are so vague as to be unusable.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Tracy,
Thanks for your feedback. It has been passed on to the team. You may find it helpful to read this additional guidance. It's not mandatory, it's just intended to give a bit more support.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Chantelle posted on
I am an agent and I would love to share the recording of the SFI webinar for advisors with my colleagues. Please could you share the link.
Thanks so much
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Chantelle,
Look out for an email from me - I've asked my colleague Laura to share the link.
Best wishes,