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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Watch: Trialling farmer-led land management plans at Aqualate Mere, Staffordshire

In this film, farmers from the Aqualate Mere catchment share their experiences of taking part in Tests and Trials. This test created a land management plan and worked to set priorities for the catchment, incorporating biodiversity, water quality and carbon sequestration.

Read the transcript.

This is the first of a 2-part series on the work of Aqualate Castle Holdings in Tests and Trials. The findings from this test led to a second test focusing on building commercial agreements between private organisations and local farming communities. This will be explored in the second video.

A second round of funding for Landscape Recovery projects has been announced. For more information, please see this blog post Landscape Recovery: apply for the second round - Farming ( or visit

Thanks to farmers Guy, Richard and Oliver, and estate manager Wojtek and business lead Richard, for taking part in this film.

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  1. Comment by Peter Gaskell posted on

    Very informative and interesting, a lot of helpful information packed into a 6 minute video.

    • Replies to Peter Gaskell>

      Comment by rob yorke posted on

      I agree. It articulated well some of the issues too often glossed over in the rush to be ambitious without critical thinking around some of the fundamental building blocks (i.e. trust) in making this both acceptable and scalable to the 'average' land manager on the brink of big change within in a fast moving 'noisy' environment.

      best wishes, Rob


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