Applications for the new Slurry Infrastructure grant will open on 6 December 2022. To help you prepare, we've made the full grant guidance available on GOV.UK.
The grant will help livestock farmers in England to improve or expand their slurry storage capacity to 6 months, based on existing livestock numbers. It will also fund the fitting of impermeable covers on grant-funded stores.
The GOV.UK guidance sets out the new grant offer in full and explains how to apply.
You’ll also find guides on how to plan your storage, information about the prioritisation of grants in the first round if it is oversubscribed and detailed specifications for eligible items.
The Slurry Infrastructure grant is part of the Farming Investment Fund.
Making the most of slurry
Back in February, we shared our vision for helping farmers make the most of their slurry.
We explained how we are working with farmers and other experts to support investment in the systems that make best use of organic manures while minimising harm to the environment. Having sufficient, well-designed slurry storage is essential if we are to realise this vision.
By law, farmers need enough storage and to apply nutrients in ways that meets crop need but does not cause pollution.
As we said in a blog post this summer, the new Slurry Infrastructure grant will complement better advice and fairer, more effective regulation. The grant will give farmers a chance to make the upgrades they need to go beyond current regulations and to invest in good storage.
We plan to run the grant over multiple years, improving it as we go. So, if you aren’t ready to apply yet or aren’t selected in the first round, don’t worry – there will be more opportunities to apply.
Applying for a Slurry Infrastructure grant
As with other themes in the Farming Investment Fund, there are 2 stages to the application process.
Stage 1: Online eligibility checker
An online checker will open on 6 December 2022 and close on 31 January 2023.
Use the checker to see whether you can apply for a Slurry Infrastructure grant and estimate how much you could get based on your storage needs.
During this stage, we’ll ask you to tell us how much storage you need to reach 6 months serviceable storage.
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) published an updated version of slurry wizard to help you work this out.
You must use the latest version (July 2022 or later) to make sure your calculations include correct rainfall figures.
Stage 2: Full application
Once the online checker closes, the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) will identify applications which have a higher environmental benefit. This will be based on location and proximity to areas where action is most needed to reduce pollution from agriculture.
Those invited to make a full application will need to submit details about their project.
These will be shared with the Environment Agency who will conduct a location and design check. This is to ensure that storage plans meet regulations and will reach at least 6 months storage.
We've designed the applications process in this way to save you time and money in the long run, by making sure your plans are right before you place any orders or start construction.
It’s been a long time since we’ve offered slurry storage grants so, we expect demand to be high. Please don’t let this put you off.
If we get more applications than we’re able to fund in the first round, the RPA will run a prioritisation exercise.
Standard costs
This grant differs from other Farming Transformation Fund themes because we use standard costs.
Rather than getting a percentage towards the cost of your project, you’ll get a set contribution for each of the items your project needs. The grant contributions are based on 50% of current market costs.
This will make it much simpler for you to make an application. You won’t need to get 3 quotes for each item, and you’ll know in advance how much grant you’ll get depending on the needs of your farm. It also makes administration of the scheme easier for the RPA.
When the online checker opens, you’ll be able to enter details such as the store and cover types you want to build, the volume you need to reach 6 months capacity and choose supporting items.
You’ll then get an upfront estimate of how much grant you could get based on your needs.
Get ready
Our team will host a webinar on the Slurry Infrastructure grant on Wednesday 7 December 2022. You'll be able to put your questions to the policy leads during the session. Register to attend the webinar.
Applications will open on 6 December. Subscribe to the blog to receive a reminder on the day.
Comment by Simon Fisher posted on
I see you have renamed the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board in the Stage 1 section!
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
It must've been the sight of those lovely cows in the photo that did it. Now corrected. Thanks Simon!
Comment by Julia Bastone posted on
I see that you can not apply for covers without installing a new or extending an existing store. But can you apply for the other associated items for an unaltered existing store through the grant please, such as the fencing or reception pit etc? Many thanks
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Julia,
Thanks for your question. You can use the grant to fund items necessary for the basic functioning of new or expanded slurry stores, such as reception pits, slurry pumps and agitators. You won't be able to apply for these items only. Here's a link to the part in the guidance which explains: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/slurry-infrastructure-grant/about-the-slurry-infrastructure-grant-who-can-apply-and-what-it-can-pay-for
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Susan posted on
We’ve looked at this grant and were interested but with the minimum being £25,000 this puts it out of our financial reach. Is there any plans for a smaller easier to afford grant along the same lines.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Susan,
When we designed the grant with farmers, we decided to lower the minimum amount from £50,000 to £25,000, to help widen access for smaller holdings. When the online checker opens you will be able to input information about your storage requirements to see if your needs meet this threshold. We are keeping the grant under close review and will consider whether to adjust the minimum and maximum amounts for future rounds.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Ross Cherrington posted on
Can you build a slurry pit under this scheme using poured concrete for the walls please
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Ross,
Thanks for visiting the blog. In-situ concrete slurry stores are very expensive to construct and cover in line with regulations and build standards. This option has been removed for round 1 on value for money grounds. However, other types of stores are available, including circular steel and concrete tanks and stores built from rectangular concrete panels.
We hope this helps,
The Team
Comment by Sam posted on
We applied for a slurry infrastructure grant, were within the priority designated area on Magic maps and are in very close proximity to a SSSI/WWT nature reserve. According to the wording of your recent online application checker email my assumption is that we should have been selected to submit a full application. Is it worth us checking that you have the correct location coordinates for our site? We have spent a lot on consultancy in order to achieve planning permission etc. with the goal of upgrading slurry storage this summer and feel it worthwhile asking these questions before we cancel engagement with groundworks contractors.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Sam,
Thanks for your question. All farms inside the published locations for water and air quality action have been invited to submit a full application in this round.
We have also invited forward an additional group of projects that are outside our published area but are within high scoring locations for water and air quality. It's best to contact RPA directly at FTF@rpa.gov.uk to discuss your application.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by William Buchanan posted on
Hi, I am currently purchasing a farm, having sold up in Northern Ireland and coming to live on the mainland, are there any new grants available later this year.
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi William,
Thanks for getting in touch.
This blog post summarises the grants available in 2023:
The Funding for farmers and land managers page on GOV.UK includes both one-off grants and ongoing payments: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/funding-for-farmers
Best wishes,
Comment by Harry posted on
Please can you confirm whether multiple quotes are required for the full application or whether one, from the chosen supplier will suffice.
Many thanks,
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Harry,
Sorry for the delay. Applicants do not need to submit any quotes with their Full Application form. When an applicant completes the application appendix it will calculate how much grant an applicant is potentially eligible to receive using the reference costs.
It is up to the applicant which supplier they want to use. If they receive a grant, they need to provide invoices that show the quantity and cost of each eligible item purchased and installed when making a claim. The amount of grant paid will be 50% of the invoice cost or the reference cost for that item, whichever is lower.
I hope this helps.
Best wishes,