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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Test and trial: Learning from the North Cumbria Farmers Group

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: A view from the farm, Ways to get involved

Farmers in North Cumbria's Forgotten Lands are working with Natural England and Defra to help shape future environmental land management schemes.

In this second video in a series of 3 about the North Cumbria Farmers Group Test and Trial, uplands livestock farmers Steve and Colin explain their reasons for taking part.

Thanks to Steve, Colin and Peter for taking part in the film.

Read the transcript.

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1 comment

  1. Comment by david howard posted on

    Thanks for sharing and highlighting stories from people like Steve and Colin.
    I'd be very interested to know more about how efficient and accurate the recording of data is through the phone and if there is opportunity to improve this end-to-end process to make it easier to capture more accurate information in a timely manner.
    You may also be interested to learn how the Environment Agency are using technology such as Minecraft to engage communities through schools and children to increase inclusion and awareness. In their case this is for flooding and initial project related to Preston (search for "BBC minecraft environment agency") to learn more.


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