The Tenancy Working Group exists to ensure that new environmental land management schemes work for tenant farmers.
The group, chaired by Baroness Kate Rock, formed earlier this year. It adopts a solutions-based approach.
The group is currently reviewing existing evidence and speaking to farming organisations.
The group is very keen to hear directly from tenant farmers and it has developed a survey to gather views.
You will be asked to share your views on a range of topics including access to the Sustainable Faming Incentive, Local Nature Recovery and Landscape Recovery, plus tree planting schemes.
Over the next month, we'd like it if you could complete the survey.
It will take roughly 10 minutes.
Once the views are collected and analysed, the Tenancy Working Group will use them to help make recommendations to Defra.
Both the findings of the survey and the recommendations will be published in an independent review later this year.
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1 comment
Comment by Vinnie Gerstruik posted on
Excellent news and a long time coming, tenant farmers should be rewarded more for their stewardship. I look forward to the responses here.