Farming and Countryside Programme
In October, we appointed the Independent Chair for the Dartmoor Land Use Management Group (DLUMG), Phil Stocker. In this guest post, Phil shares insights into his role, the published terms of reference, and next steps for the group.
Update: 28 January 2025: At the bottom of this post, you'll find details of the membership of the group.
Today, Steve Reed, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, announced that the government will advance work on supply chain fairness by using the fair dealing powers in the Agriculture Act 2020. In this post, we provide background and a summary of what you can expect.
As outlined in the Chancellor’s announcement, we have secured a budget of £2.4 billion for the next financial year. This means we can maintain the momentum of our environmental land management (ELM) schemes, which will rise to the highest funding levels ever by 2025/26.
The Fair Dealings Obligations (Milk) Regulations (FDOM24) set out how milk purchase contracts must operate. FDOM24 is designed to make these contracts fairer and more transparent across the dairy industry. In this guest post, Richard Thompson, the Agricultural Supply Chain Adjudicator (ASCA) shares an overview of his role and what to look for in your contact.
In this post, I'll provide an overview of capital grants for environmental land management, the current offer and recent updates.
This month, Natural England published its annual report summarising projects of the Agri-Environment Scheme Monitoring & Evaluation Programme. In this guest post, Natural England’s Usha Waygood, Senior Officer in the Evidence Directorate, highlights some of the team’s findings from the report.
In April, we published our response to the Independent review of protected site management on Dartmoor. We agreed with the recommendation to create a land use management group. I'm pleased to say that the position of chair has just been advertised. In this post, I'll share a short summary and provide links to learn more.
In a post published last month, I said I’d let you know when Parliament passed the new hedgerow regulations. Today, I’m doing just that.
In December, we shared details of a new capital grant to support smaller abattoirs in England, offered through the Smaller Abattoir Fund . To recognise the cash flow challenges that many smaller abattoirs face, we’re increasing this support. We’ve raised the intervention rate from 40% to 50% and we’ve increased the maximum grant amount from £60,000 to £75,000.
We want to make it easier for farmers to strengthen their businesses. To that end, several changes to permitted development rights are coming into effect from 21 May.