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Usha Waygood

Usha is a Senior Officer for Natural England. Usha runs and facilitates projects that monitor and evaluate agri-environment schemes within the Agri-Environment Scheme Monitoring & Evaluation team.

Her team is responsible for running the Agri-Environment Monitoring & Evaluation Programme on behalf of Defra. It evaluates the delivery of existing agri-environment schemes and how effectively they achieve their intended policy objectives whilst fulfilling domestic reporting requirements.

Agri-environment schemes work: Natural England’s latest findings

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Chalk downland with common spotted orchid and rough hawkbit in foregrouns

This month, Natural England published its annual report summarising projects of the Agri-Environment Scheme Monitoring & Evaluation Programme. In this guest post, Natural England’s Usha Waygood, Senior Officer in the Evidence Directorate, highlights some of the team’s findings from the report.