Today we published an update to the Agricultural Transition Plan on GOV.UK. It includes our progress, priorities and plans for the coming years.
In it, you'll find our overall approach to agricultural reform: that food production can, and must, go hand in hand with the environment. Additionally, that by supporting productivity, innovation and ensuring our schemes work with food production, we will reach our ambitious environmental targets and maintain food production.
We're pleased that farmers across the country continue to sign up to our schemes. To get to where we want to be, we want to support even more farmers to get involved and encourage those already taking action to go even further.
We will achieve this by making environmental schemes and regulation more attractive, fair and workable. We also need ambition, which we will support by encouraging and enabling more targeted and effective action.
In 2024, we are taking a significant step forward to achieve that. We are:
- increasing payment rates by an average of 10% for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and Countryside Stewardship (CS) agreements
- increasing the number of actions on offer in our environmental land management schemes with up to 50 new actions
- making schemes more flexible and easier to access, with a streamlined single application service for farmers to apply for SFI and CS Mid Tier
- paying a premium for high ambition actions or for delivering packages of actions that will achieve greater environmental benefits
- continuing to prioritise an ‘advise and prevent’ approach across schemes and regulation, which will make things fairer for all farmers participating in schemes.
This, and other changes, will make it easier for our schemes to slot into farm businesses, providing more money for farmers deliver change and ensure we get the scale and ambition we need to- positively impact the environment.
There is something for every farm regardless of where it is and the land is owned or rented. The Agricultural Transition Plan update is designed to provide greater certainty. A full list of actions can be found in its technical annex.
In this post, I’ll share a summary of the update. In the coming weeks, we will publish posts on the offer for farmers by sector.
The offer in 2024
Update to scheme payment rates
We are updating scheme payment rates to reflect current market conditions, which for some actions like species rich grassland mean big increases.
Scheme rates will increase by 10% on average. If you have a live SFI or CS agreement, you don't need to do anything to benefit, we will automatically apply any uplifts to existing agreements where applicable.
50 new actions
In summer, we will launch up to 50 new actions, which will allow you to access scheme funding for things like precision farming and agroforestry for the first time. The new actions improve the offer for all farm types, but especially those on moorland and grassland.
We listened to feedback and introduced more ‘maintenance’ actions, alongside improving existing actions. These actions pay farmers who are already protecting the environment. For example, through maintaining grasslands, wetlands and scrub.
We made these changes so that farmers will get paid more for existing actions to maintain habitats, with the price of maintaining species rich grassland rising from £182 to £646 per hectare. This better reflects the reality of delivering these habitats and creates an incentive for farmers to create more.
Also, more actions will be available for shorter 3-year agreements, allowing greater flexibility. This will be of particular benefit to tenant farmers.
Elsewhere, we will introduce precision farming actions which use technology to target farming activities and reduce the use of costly pesticides or fertilisers.
Contracts for innovation
We will award up to 5, multi-million-pound contracts, with an initial value of up to £15 million, to promote crop innovation.
By offering payments which support agricultural technology, such as robotic mechanical weeding technology, in addition to launching more grants in 2024, we will help you to adopt new technology or practices so you can grow more, sell more and have more resilient businesses.
Single application service
Not only will there be more choice, but the way you access the offer will improve. From summer, there will be a streamlined single application service for you to apply for SFI and CS Mid Tier actions. It will replace the separate application windows and processes.
This simpler, clearer, and faster service will enable you to select from the range of actions available on your land and combine compatible actions from SFI and CS on your land parcels more easily.
We will remove duplication between CS Mid-Tier and SFI actions, wherever possible. SFI agreement holders who entered into an agreement in 2023 will be able to either upgrade their existing agreement or apply for, and enter into, a separate 2024 agreement.
This change will make it easier for farmers to access our services but will have no reduction in ambition. It will allow us to combine the breadth of the CS offer with the simple and flexible administration of SFI.
CS Higher Tier agreements are different on each farm, and are more complex requiring advice, support and in many cases formal consent. We will continue to operate a separate process for these agreements, but we will offer the agreements through a simpler, clearer and faster service.
Actions that are currently only available in CS Higher Tier will also be made available through our other offers. This means that, where appropriate, more farmers will be able access those ambitious elements, along with the accompanying advice and support for those, without having to have an entire bespoke Higher Tier agreement where that is not appropriate.
After 2025, we will start offering other schemes through this integrated service, including the England Woodland Creation Offer.
Premium payments
We will introduce premium payment actions with the biggest environmental impact and also for combinations of actions that deliver benefits at scale.
Premium payment rates will be introduced from 2024 for the 21 high priority actions listed below.
Theme | Action | 2024 payment rate with premium (per ha) |
Arable | Nesting plots for lapwing | £765 |
Lowland heath | Create lowland heathland | £711 |
Lowland Peat | Raise water levels in cropped or arable peat soils to near the land surface | £1,409 |
Lowland Peat | Raise water levels in permanent grassland peat soils to near the land surface | £1,381 |
Agroforestry | Maintain very low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land | £248 |
Agroforestry | Maintain very low density in-field agroforestry on more sensitive land | £248 |
Agroforestry | Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land | £385 |
Agroforestry | Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on more sensitive land | £385 |
Agroforestry | Maintain medium density in-field agroforestry | £595 |
Agroforestry | Maintain high density in-field agroforestry | £849 |
Grassland | Manage species-rich floodplain meadows | £1,070 |
Moorland | Low grazing on moorland | £53 |
Moorland | Limited grazing on moorland | £66 |
Water | 6 metre to 24 metre 3-dimensional (3D) waterbody buffer strip | £1,182 |
Water | Supplement: enhanced floodplain storage | £366 |
Water | Manage features on arable land flood and drought resilience and water quality | £1,241 |
Water | Manage grassland for flood and drought resilience and water quality | £938 |
Water | Connect river and floodplain habitats | £1,242 |
Water | Manage riparian and water edge habitats | £1,186 |
Water | Make room for a river to move | £1,489 |
Species | Create scrub and open habitat mosaics | £588 |
Regulation approach: advise and prevent
We are continuing to deliver a ‘advise and prevent’ approach across schemes and regulation, which will make things fairer for all farmers participating in schemes. Meaning the many farmers who want to do the right things will get the support you need if things go wrong.
We will support farmers back into compliance with greater communication rather than immediate penalties and are firmly committed to safeguarding environmental standards and animal health through proportionate regulation and outcome-based incentives to drive change.
Significant improvements have already been made but are continuing to go further. We are rebuilding the system with a tailored, risk-based approach to regulation that makes it easy to follow the rules.
Plan for the future
With improved choice and payment rates, now is the time to apply for SFI. For more information visit our dedicated SFI site. It sets out the full offer.
To help you manage the transition and plan, you can get free advice from an independent provider.
In this post, I’ve just covered our environmental land management schemes. The guidance for every scheme and grant on offer can be found on the Funding for farmers, growers and land managers page on GOV.UK.
Comment by Anna posted on
Please can you tell us if the uplift in payments will be applied to existing agreement holders (SFI / CSS)?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Anna,
If you have a live SFI or CS agreement, you don't need to do anything to benefit. We will automatically apply any uplifts to existing agreements where applicable.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Anna posted on
That's great thank you! I see the current SFI application system hasn't been updated but I will carry on and submit now you've confirmed.
Comment by Jack wallbank posted on
Will their be any uplift in payments for the old environmental stewardship schemes
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Jack,
In the ATP update it says that we have not updated prices for Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) agreements under Environmental Stewardship (ES). This is because the prices work differently in those schemes, and our intention is to phase them out rather than continue to update them. We encourage everyone in ES scheme agreements to apply for SFI, CS or Landscape Recovery.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Karl Smith posted on
We have just extended our ( HLS ES ) for 5 years and there’s been no uplifts to match other scheme payments what’s like for like. how’s this work?? What’s the chances of us ripping this ES agreement up ASAP?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Karl,
Under the Terms and Conditions of your agreement, it is possible for you to end your agreement early, however due to complexity of closing agreement early, it may take some time to end your agreement and could result in a period of some months between one agreement ending and a new agreement starting.
We’ll provide more information about how to end your agreement early soon. If you wish to discuss, you can contact RPA by email, phone or post.
Rural Payments Agency (CS)
PO Box 324
S95 1DF
Email: ruralpayments@defra.gov.uk
Telephone: 03000 200 301
Remember to quote your single business identifier (SBI) and agreement number in all enquiries.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Richard Park posted on
Will there be any new options specifically for organic farming
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Richard,
If you go to the technical annex, you'll see a section that focuses specifically on actions for organic farmers.
To save you scrolling, it might be easier for you to hit the 'ctrl' and 'f' keys and search for 'organic'. Tables 8a through to 8e list the actions.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Alice holden posted on
If you are less than a hectare organic market garden will there be any substantial payment or are we still deemed too small? Many thanks
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Alice,
Thanks for getting in touch. As it relates to the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) to be eligible to apply for an SFI agreement you need to have been a Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) eligible farmer on either 16 May 2022 or 15 May 2023. This will be the case if, on either of these dates, the Single Business Identifier (SBI) that’s applying for an SFI agreement had both of the following:
- at least 5 hectares (ha) of BPS eligible land – this does not set a minimum eligible area you can enter into an SFI agreement as there is no minimum area for an agreement
- 5 or more BPS entitlements
Do take a look at the grants on offer this year: https://defrafarming.blog.gov.uk/2024/03/12/grants-available-in-2024/
Best wishes,
Comment by Andrea posted on
Will the native breeds supported be the ones on this list from 2014? https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-native-animal-breeds-at-risk-list
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Andrea,
We have updated the native breeds at risk offer so that it is a simple action available via SFI without needing NE endorsement, and broadened eligibility to include grassland habitats. The native breed support list is here:
And the the actions are listed here:
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by Becky Aston posted on
Can you explain the different payments between gov.uk and the technical annex please? Does SP8 @ £167/ha relate to CS HT only? The payments in the technical annex are very low for heathland, a habitat that often requires the use of native breeds to be managed successfully. What's the justification for this? Thanks
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Becky,
SP8 is the existing CS native breeds at risk action. It is currently only available in HT with the support of NE who use it sparingly. Existing agreements containing the SP8 will be honoured and paid at the published rate. Going forward, we want make the native breed supplement more widely available, but we also need to ensure value for money. Those habitats that are grazed at lower stocking rates e.g. Heathlands will therefore attach a lower payment rate.
We hope this helps.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Andrea posted on
When will you be able to give us further detail about the requirements for the agroforestry options? Thank you
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Andrea,
We will publish further information later in 2024, ahead of applications opening. This will include more detail on agroforestry scheme rules and how and when to apply.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Robert posted on
I am a young farmer and I started farming after the reference period for the bps, I managed to get the funding for a sfi advisor but when we came to apply for it I couldn’t because I was not eligible. I have 90 beef stirks and 80 acres with entitlements, I could not claim on the bps either, is there any help coming for new entrants or is the money for only for established farmers
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Robert,
Thanks for getting in touch. Unfortunately, the Farming Resilience Fund offer of free business advice is only available to those who receive BPS.
As it relates to our environmental land management schemes and SFI in particular, we’re currently only allowing BPS eligible farmers to apply for an SFI agreement. This is because their details are already registered with the RPA. We will widen this and we'll an update on this when we do.
One thing you can apply for now is an Annual Health and Welfare Review. You don't need to have an SFI agreement to apply for this. We'll fund a yearly vet visit and this can be with your regular vet. You'll see in the guidance that to be eligible to apply, you need 11 or more beef cattle and, in your case, you do: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/sfi-annual-health-and-welfare-review
We're also reviewing the findings of our New Entrant Support Scheme pilots and will share more this year.
Finally, the full offer for farmers, growers and land managers in England can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/funding-for-farmers
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Bob posted on
Why UP2 payments so low compared to very low input on SDAs. UP2 is more onerous and is paid less?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Bob,
Apologies for our late response.
We use an ‘income-forgone plus costs’ model to calculate payment rates. Where we have amended an existing action, we have also reviewed the payment rate using the latest cost and income data. This has resulted in an average increase of 10%. From 2025, we plan to regularly review scheme actions and prices, with a proportion of actions being reviewed each year. This will keep our offers, including prices, up to date and allow us to respond to farmer feedback and changing scientific evidence to maintain progress towards our outcomes.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Chris H posted on
We are currently awaiting sign off for a new CS Mid Tier scheme which includes options that could prevent us applying for some of the new options listed above. Can you clarify when more details will be published on these options and whether they will available through CS or SFI.
Many thanks
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Chris,
We will publish further information later in 2024, ahead of applications opening. This will include more detail on the actions and capital items (including eligibility, compatibility with other actions, and what farmers need to do), the scheme rules, and how and when to apply. We plan to offer new agreements, including agreements including SFI and CS Mid Tier actions, through rolling application windows in 2024, starting in the summer.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by James posted on
I am awaiting acceptance from you of a new CS scheme starting 1/1/24. I am minded to reject it and apply through SFI including all grass margins, AB8 & AB9, GS4 etc. Do you think this wise and that I should accept the new agreement and put up with having 2 agreements since I want to apply under SFI as well.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi James,
You have the choice of either option. When considering, it is worth noting that the MT agreement, when it starts, will be from the 1 Jan 2024 and will be for 5 years. A new 3-year SFI application may mean that there is a gap in payments from when your CS agreement would have started and the start date of any new SFI agreement, although those SFI payments would be quarterly and may better suit you. You would need to ensure that the SFI offered what you need to replace those options you have already applied for through the CS agreement. Those you have listed have an equal SFI action with an equal payment rate. If new actions are added as part of the combined offer later in the year, and these are appealing to you, then these can be added to your SFI agreement (if that is what you have decided to do).
As we set out in the Agricultural Transition Plan update, we plan to offer most SFI and CS Mid Tier actions through a single application service in 2024, rather than having separate application windows and processes. We also plan to remove duplication between SFI and CS Mid Tier actions, wherever possible. The SFI management payment is also available for people applying for SFI and does not currently apply to CS. We will also publish more information on how the management payment will apply to the combined offer as part of the scheme information later this year.
You can contact the RPA about your SFI application: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/contact-the-rpa-about-sfi
We hope this helps,
The Team
Comment by Jonathan posted on
Our tenant farmer applies for bps on some of our land and we apply for the rest. We now have a joint holding number on the land so all our land is shown on our RPA mapping. Can we apply for SFI on all our land or only on the land for which we applied for bps?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Jonathan,
The team emailed you and RPA last week - hopefully they'll be able to help.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Matthew Quirk posted on
Interesting ideas; I am still awaiting a decision about my application which mixed CS mid-tier with SFI as part of coming out of Higher Level Environmental Stewardship - this means that I have lost a full year's worth of grants so far, because I could not map the grants on the website - the maps were wrong and decisions have been extremely slow. When will I get a decision?
For the new guidance I have the following questions:
1. In mixing CS mid tier and SFI,w hat about those who already have CS mid tier in 2023 (or, like me, are waiting for a decision) - will they be able to upgrade their five year agreement to benefit from the new 2024 guidance?
2. if so, when?
3. if not, then should they wait to do an application in 2024?
4. and when will the application window open?
5. if question 3 applies, then what happens to those of us who will have lost a year's worth of grants?
6. Nor have I yet been paid for my ES extension for 2023 - though I expect that this may be moot given that it is being replaced - but then I lose a year's worth of grant.
The ideas are great, - I remain, on the basis of my experience, which I have written about to the RPA , the ELM director and my MP, sceptical about the implementation which needs to be thought through in great detail.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Matthew,
I am sorry that you’re still waiting on a decision. As you may be aware, we allowed HLS agreement holders to apply for CS agreements last year on the basis that the new options were an equivalent or greater level of ambition. This assessment can take a little time to complete but we’d suggest you call the RPA again to see if they can provide you with an update.
You might be aware that later this year, we're combining CS Mid Tier and SFI options. Further detail here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agricultural-transition-plan-2021-to-2024/technical-annex-the-combined-environmental-land-management-offer
SFI has a rolling application window and you can have more than one agreement. You can contact the RPA about your situation and SFI:
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Libby posted on
When will you release the information about non bps claiming farmers being able to apply for SFI?
Is this going to be before Summer 2024 when more information is released about mid tier and sfi going into one application?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Libby,
We’re currently only allowing BPS eligible farmers to apply for an SFI agreement. This is because their details are already registered with the RPA. We will widen this and we'll provide an update on this when we do.
One thing you can apply for now is an Annual Health and Welfare Review. You don't need to have an SFI agreement to apply for this. We'll fund a yearly vet visit and this can be with your regular vet: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/sfi-annual-health-and-welfare-review
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Janet Whitman posted on
What date do the new rates come into effect? Will these new rates apply to existing and/or new Farming in Protected Landscape grants where they are matched to the CS payment rate?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Janet,
The new rates will come into effect from from 1 January 2024. You don't need to do anything to benefit, we will automatically apply any uplifts to existing agreements where applicable. The new rates will also apply to new Farming in Protected Landscapes agreements and apply any uplifts to options in existing live agreements from 1 January 2024.
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by Helen Browning posted on
Can you clarify tree density under the low, medium and high density options for agroforestry please? Delighted to see agroforestry included now.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Helen,
We will publish further information later in 2024, ahead of applications opening. This will include more detail on agroforestry scheme rules including density, and how and when to apply.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Mark posted on
Hello, when will further details be released on the 'Premium Payments'?
I currently have a CS Agreement, with the SW11 (Riparian Management) Option, but would like to know if I can transfer the SW11 Option to either the '6 metre to 24 metre 3-dimensional (3D) waterbody buffer strip' or the 'Manage riparian and water edge habitats' - can I do this and if so, how?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Mark,
We will introduce premium payment rates from 2024 ahead of applications opening for the combined offer for the 21 high priority actions that deliver greater environmental benefits when done together and at scale. The details of premium payments can be found in Annex 4 of the Agricultural Transition Plan update: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agricultural-transition-plan-2021-to-2024/agricultural-transition-plan-update-january-2024#annex-4-premium-payments
You can contact the RPA about your current agreement options and how you might transfer once the new actions are live: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/contact-the-rpa-about-sfi
We hope this helps,
The Team
Comment by Rachel Garlick posted on
How do I move or stop my ELS/HLS scheme, so I can apply to SFI/CS without any financial penalty?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Rachel,
We want all farmers in existing agreements to continue to take part in our new Environmental Land Management schemes and will make it as easy as possible for them to either enter into our new schemes at the right time, or add new offers to complement their existing agreement (where this is not resulting in double payments for the same action).
We are looking at how we can provide flexibility for ES agreement holders to leave an agreement early, without recovery, and apply for another land management scheme where a new agreement offers equivalent or greater environmental value than the HLS actions or options of their existing ES agreement.
We hope this helps,
The Team
Comment by T Williams posted on
I see from the OFC that there is a payment for direct drilling.
1. is this limited to the HA of the farm or can the whole years drilled HA area be used?
We have moved away from monocropping so would drill some fields twice. For arguments sake, a 10 HA field might actually be drilled twice - totalling 20HA.. over the 12 months. Can we claim the 20HA or just the 10 HA.
2. Is there also a payment for those which use GPS ... as we save spray / chem and reduce fuel by doing so?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi T Williams,
The payment is for no till and is £73 per ha it isn't an action for direct drilling. It's about adopting no till techniques to establish crops to limit soil disturbance.
Like all other SFI options they are paid per ha so if you want to do no till on 10ha, you would get paid for 10ha, it doesn't matter how many times you drill it. Further details here about the actions and payments for no till can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agricultural-transition-plan-2021-to-2024/technical-annex-the-combined-environmental-land-management-offer#arable-land-grassland-and-permanent-crops
We do have existing capital items that include direct drills and the use of robotic and automated equipment, and systems to aid crop and livestock production here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/farming-investment-fund#farming-equipment-and-technology-fund-fetf-2023
Hope that helps,
The team
Comment by BEN GRIFFITHS posted on
Could you clarify this comment please:
"The payment is for no till and is £73 per ha it isn't an action for direct drilling. It's about adopting no till techniques to establish crops to limit soil disturbance."
Presumably direct drilling is eligible for no till payments.
It would be helpful if there is some confirmation of what you class as 'no till'
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Ben,
We define no-till as not using cultivation machinery when you prepare the land for crops.
When we publish further detail on the no-till offer in the future there will be an explanation of the types of methods that could be used to achieve this, for example direct drilling, and supporting guidance to help farmers.
We will publish this additional information later this year, before these changes are introduced in the summer. A clarification – the payment is for no till and is £73/ha. It is an action for direct drilling. It isn’t an action for min-till.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Denise Seely posted on
The ATP implies that CSHT will continue. So presumably CSHT rates will increase?
'By the end of 2025 to 2026 we will take forward twice the number of Higher Tier type agreements per year than we do now. To enable more people to access CS Higher Tier agreements, in 2024 we will:
build on the improvements we have made previously to evolve our offer further
make it easier and more flexible to apply, including moving to online applications and a rolling application window
review how advice is provided and build in greater automation of the administration to free up capacity of expert advisors
use external advice where this is available to support specific habitats and targets
ensure the messaging around applying is clearer so we signpost farmers and land managers into the most appropriate offer'
Could the authors of these docs be succinct please?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Denise,
CS Higher Tier agreements are different on each farm, and are more complex requiring advice, support and in many cases formal consent so we will continue to operate a separate process for these agreements, but we will offer the agreements through a simpler, clearer and faster service.
Higher Tier application window will not open in February as has previously happened, we will publish more details on how and when farmers and land managers will be able to apply later in 2024, ahead of applications opening.
We have not updated prices for Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) agreements. This is because these agreements are made on a whole farm basis and payments work differently in those schemes.
Best Wishes,
The Team
Comment by Lana posted on
So will it be possible to have Hi tier, mid-tier and SFI options mixed into one application? At the moment you can combine Hi-Tier and Mid-tier options.
How does woodland fit into all this? Could you have a mixed agri/woodland/SFI ?
Have you decided the scoring threshold for Hi-tier yet please?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Lana,
CS Higher Tier agreements are different on each farm, and are more complex requiring advice, support and in many cases formal consent. We will continue to operate a separate process for these agreements, but we will offer the agreements through a simpler, clearer and faster service.
We will make more actions currently only available in CS Higher Tier available through our other offers. This will mean that, where appropriate, more farmers can access those more ambitious elements with the necessary advice and support for those actions.
After 2025 we will start offering other schemes through our integrated service as well, including the England Woodland Creation Offer.
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by rob yorke posted on
bravo to the team - a learning adaptive, learning process which is paying off!
rob yorke
Comment by The Team posted on
Thanks very much for your comment, Rob!
Comment by Steve Proud posted on
Will the HLS early exit scheme be reopened in 2024 to allow HLS holders to apply for CS to start in 2025?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Steve,
We want all farmers in existing agreements to continue to take part in our new Environmental Land Management schemes and will make it as easy as possible for them to either enter into our new schemes at the right time, or add new offers to complement their existing agreement (where this is not resulting in double payments for the same action).
We are looking at how we can provide flexibility for ES agreement holders to leave an agreement early, without recovery, and apply for another land management scheme where a new agreement offers equivalent or greater environmental value than the HLS actions or options of their existing ES agreement.
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by Zach posted on
If my CSHT agreement started in January 2022, with the payment increases for maintenance species rich grassland does this mean the GS6 payments in my agreement would increase to £646/ha?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Zach,
Yes it does mean your GS6 payment will increase. The updated rates apply to existing SFI and CS agreement holders from the start of their current agreement year. This will be the first day of the month the agreement started for SFI and 1 January 2024 for CS. You don't need to do anything to benefit, we will automatically apply any uplifts to existing agreements.
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by Mark posted on
Can you please explain why the AB9 Wild bird seed mix option has been increased whilst the equivalent organic OP2 Wild bird seed mix option remains unchanged from 2022 ? Especially as the organic seed needed is more expensive.
Also will there be any increase in organic conversion OR3 Payment or maintenance 0T3 payment?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Mark,
The rates have been updated using the latest cost and income data. The changes in payment rates therefore depends on what has happened to the costs and income foregone of activities required for each individual land management action. These are the final payment rates for 2024, but we do want to go into 2025 having reviewed all the actions we pay for to make sure they are appropriately flexible and workable for all settings. This will include a continued effort to keep our payment rates up to date and calculated in the most effective way.
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by Caroline Jane Corsie posted on
What scheme/s can people apply for between now (Jan ) and summer 2024 ?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Caroline,
This page on GOV.UK lists the current offer: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/funding-for-farmers
In terms of what you can do now:
- You can apply for the Sustainable Farming Incentive. This site is a good place to start: https://farming.campaign.gov.uk/
- You can apply for an Annual Health and Welfare Review (a paid-for yearly vet visit) https://www.gov.uk/guidance/sfi-annual-health-and-welfare-review
- You can apply for the England Woodland Creation Offer: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/england-woodland-creation-offer
- Funding is available for those who farm in protected landscapes: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/funding-for-farmers-in-protected-landscapes
- You can apply for a Countryside Stewardship Capital Grant:
-The Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund (NEIRF) offers grants to help farmers attract private investment in nature projects, such as selling carbon units through peatland restoration: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/apply-for-a-grant-from-the-natural-environment-investment-readiness-fund
In addition to Capital Grants, we also offer a range of grants for equipment, technology and innovation. They're all listed on the Funding for farmers, growers and land managers page.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Eric Michael Pinard posted on
I had great problems trying to enter the scheme last year as the software had so many errors I was advised by the RPA to send in a list of corrections for them to add. I duly submitted the online form but the summary only showed 2 fields out of 25 were recorded. I have tried to withdraw by email but not had a reply yet. The software gave field errors before I started as it would not recognise MT03 and I had to change this on my land use data to a crop so I chose cucumbers which is somehow fitting. Is it sorted yet as there is no point in tempting offers if the back office is gibberish.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Eric,
Thanks for sharing your experience. We're sorry it wasn't smooth. We've taken your feedback on board. Most people tell us that they are finding the process reasonably straightforward but we know that isn’t the case for everyone. We suggest you call the RPA again to see if they can help.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Ed posted on
Please can you provide a link to the guidance on the requirements for the premium payments and are these available for claims made now?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Ed,
The details of premium payments can be found in Annex 4 of the Agricultural Transition Plan update: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agricultural-transition-plan-2021-to-2024/agricultural-transition-plan-update-january-2024#annex-4-premium-payments
The premium payments have already been applied to the updated payment rates in the annex. The premium payment is incorporated into the published payment rate for the actions.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Simon Ward posted on
How do the lowland peat options manage:
1. The need to drain down land for short periods to harvest and plant paludiculture crops? For sphagnum moss this may only be once every three years.
2. How can water levels be maintained on fenland where height invariably differs by more than 1m across a field making an exact water level different to measure?
3. Field wetting will often cause structural damage to neighbouring farms sometimes miles away. Will Defra underwrite this risk?
4. How will water depth be measured?
5. How are you accounting for the almost inevitable methane release? If an annual cost is applied to the release the NPV is very high.
6. Have you considered impact on import substitution?
7. Wetting will increase urban flood risk in some areas. Has this been taken into account?
8. What role will the various drainage boards have?
9. As will be obvious from the Great Fen Project achievement of water targets can not always be achieved despite best endeavours and in some cases considerable up front investment. How will you mange this risk?
10 Do you have a target area to achieve?
11. Can I assume that this lowland option applies only to fenland fed by rain and ground sources and not acidic bog fed entirely by rainfall?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Simon,
Thanks for getting in touch. New lowland peat actions have been added to provide more flexibility (recognising different peat soil types and depths) and a more accessible offer (31-50cm water table depths are more achievable without bigger changes to farm systems) thereby acting as a pathway towards wetting to 10-30cm whilst still delivering lower emissions.
We will publish further information later in 2024, ahead of applications opening, here is the information available now about the actions and payment rates for lowland peat: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agricultural-transition-plan-2021-to-2024/technical-annex-the-combined-environmental-land-management-offer#lowland-peat
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by Simon Ward posted on
Thankyou very much for your comment. The real issue is consideration of the broader issues listed and not the concern for the individual farmer applicant other than implication of factors outside of the farmers control (which may only be known post application). I think most farmers would consider the Great Fen Project a disappointment because of action largely outside the operators control.
If you are seeking support for the payments it is important to maximise the ability to produce which means the ability to lower the water table for the few options. On a bog soil sphagnum moss is planted and harvested on a three year cycle so a lowering of table for two periods in three years would seem reasonable. It is possible to harvest from the bank but this means that the ability to compete would be difficult.
Comment by Ed posted on
Where can I find details on the prescriptions? This just shows the payments, not the requirements. Are these available for applications made now?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Ed,
We will publish further information later in 2024, ahead of applications opening. This will include more detail on the actions and capital items (including eligibility, compatibility with other actions, and what farmers need to do), the scheme rules and how and when to apply.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by John Nicoll posted on
There are references in the press to grants for maintaining dry stone walls, but I can't find any details. Can you point me to them? Thanks.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi John,
Yes of course, details on dry stone wall maintenance are listed in the boundaries section of the technical annex which I have linked here for you: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agricultural-transition-plan-2021-to-2024/technical-annex-the-combined-environmental-land-management-offer#boundaries
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by JONATHAN CHAPMAN posted on
In January 2023, alongside reviewing the revenue payment rates, you also reviewed and increased the capital payment rates for countryside stewardship options e.g. FG2, RP15 etc. Inflation rate for agricultural materials used for fencing, concrete etc. has kept increasing in the 12 months since and the payments are now less than previously set.
Is this currently being reviewed and announcement to be expected or can we not expect any improvement in rates?
Comment by JONATHAN CHAPMAN posted on
I asked this before but it appears to have been missed.
In January 2023, alongside reviewing the revenue payment rates, you also reviewed and increased the capital payment rates for countryside stewardship options e.g. FG2, RP15 etc. Inflation rate for agricultural materials used for fencing, concrete etc. has kept increasing in the 12 months since and the payments are now less than previously set.
Is this currently being reviewed and announcement to be expected or can we not expect any improvement in rates?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Jonathan,
Apologies! The Technical Annex (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agricultural-transition-plan-2021-to-2024/technical-annex-the-combined-environmental-land-management-offer) sets out the land management actions we will pay for in the combined SFI and CS offer.
Alongside this, we will continue to pay for the capital items currently available in CS and introduce some new and amended capital items as part of our expanded offer. We have indicated where we plan to expand our capital offer in the Technical Annex document and will publish full details on this soon.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Andrew Pick posted on
I understand that there will be a payment of £73/ha for direct drilling of crops. Will it be possible to claim that payment every time I direct drill a crop. So: if I direct drill a cover crop, then direct drill a crop of spring barley will I receive £73/ha twice. Because there seems little environmental gain to direct drill the cover crop then in the spring plough that out then plant a crop of spring barley....?
Also: can you advise: is this payment applied retrospectively or in advance. So: do I complete my application for fields that I am"planning " to direct drill of for fields that I have "already direct drilled".
Thank you for your help.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Andrew,
The payment is for no till and is £73 per ha it isn't an action for direct drilling. It's about adopting no till techniques to establish crops to limit soil disturbance.
Like all other SFI options they are paid per ha so it doesn't matter how many times you direct drill it. Further details here about the actions and payments for no till can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agricultural-transition-plan-2021-to-2024/technical-annex-the-combined-environmental-land-management-offer#arable-land-grassland-and-permanent-crops
We do have existing capital items that include direct drills and the use of robotic and automated equipment, and systems to aid crop and livestock production here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/farming-investment-fund#farming-equipment-and-technology-fund-fetf-2023
Hope that helps,
The team
Comment by Jack Walpole posted on
My new SFI agreement was supposed to start on 1st January. We worked hard to put this together and it is a big comitment for our farm. We met all the deadlines set for application, but now you have made an abitary decision that we cannot start our agreement until 1st March. This means our SFI and CS agreements will now end on different dates, at a cost of many thousands of pounds in missed funding now and as the agreements end. Why do you not honour the deadline dates given in the application guidance?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Jack,
Thanks for getting in touch. We've forwarded your comment to the RPA and shared it with the team working on SFI too.
The RPA has a dedicated contact page if you want to discuss your application with them.
Start dates for SFI agreements can be affected by a range of factors, particularly if you have an existing SFI 22 agreement, but in most instances they start on the 1st of the following month after the offer is accepted. The RPA can provide you with more information on why they were not able to get you agreement to start on 1 January.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Nathan White posted on
£1,242/ha for connecting river and floodplain habitats
Is there anymore detail on how this will work, who will be eligible etc, I presume other relevant bodies/parties will need involvement in this scheme?
Comment by The posted on
Hi Nathan,
The waterbody actions span a range of complexities with something to offer all levels of ambition. Comprehensive guidance on how to complete each action will be available for all applicants to see before they apply. We will be facilitating ways to help early adopters share their experiences to help others. We will introduce as many as possible of these in 2024. We will confirm details of these timescales as part of the full scheme details in 2024.
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by Byron Davies posted on
We receive many requests & queries regarding swapping and/or adding options within "live" CS agreements. Does the "more flexible " approach allow this to happen? If the answer is "yes", how do agreement holders go about requesting option changes to their CS agreements....?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Bryon,
Yes it will. We plan to introduce an annual opportunity to update agreements including actions currently in CS Mid Tier, as part of the combined offer, from 2024. We plan to introduce more frequent update opportunities in CS Higher Tier agreements in future too.
We will publish further information later in 2024, ahead of applications opening. This will include more detail on the actions and capital items (including eligibility, compatibility with other actions, and what farmers need to do), the scheme rules, and how and when to apply.
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by Stewart posted on
Will the earth bank maintenance payment be compatible with the HRW 1,2,3 actions, Devon and Cornwall banks have both elements within their structure.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Stewart,
Yes you can claim hedgerow actions [HRW1, HRW2, HRW3] alongside boundary actions as long as you can meet the aims of both actions. For example if you have a hedge on top of an earth bank you can get paid to manage the boundary, and the payments for managing your hedgerow.
Hope this helps,
The Team
Comment by Richard Cromie posted on
Ref no insecticide payment per ha. Is this for a crop or a 12 month period from the start of the agreement?
ie. If we enter into SFI in February, establish a spring oat crop with no insecticide, but want to drill winter wheat in the autumn, but will probably need an insecticide for aphids in Oct, does this comply?
Or the fact that the field will have no insecticide from Sept. to Sept. be satisfactory even though part of the period was prior to the agreement start date.
Ref direct-drilling, is there a list of direct drills that comply or is it just one pass?
Are stubble rakes allowed pre drilling?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Richard,
You must do the no insecticide action each year of your 3-year SFI agreement and you can only apply for this action on the total SFI available area in each land parcel shown in your SFI application. You cannot apply for it on part of that area. Please find more guidance here https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65a114e53308d200131fbee7/SFI23_handbook__1_.pdf
We have offered grants towards equipment including direct drills so do look out for the next round of grants. The equipment we provided grants for previously is listed here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/farming-equipment-and-technology-fund-fetf-2023/annex-3-fetf-2023-productivity-and-slurry-eligible-items#arable
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by Lana Huntley posted on
Will the new combined MTCS/SFI applications be scored? Is there a limit on how many agreements there will be across the country? Will these be 3 years only?
It was specified last year that there would be no competition with SFI
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Lana,
We are streamlining the way we offer our paid actions and schemes. We currently have separate SFI and CS Mid and Higher Tier schemes offering different types of actions and agreements. There is no limit to the number of SFI agreements and no competition.
We plan to offer most SFI and CS Mid Tier actions through a single application service in 2024, rather than having separate application windows and processes making more actions available with a shorter 3-year agreement duration.
We also plan to remove duplication between SFI and CS Mid Tier actions, wherever possible.
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by John w. Baxter posted on
I found that I was rejected from applying for soil sampling,hedgerow inventory taking and maintenance etc. on land in CS. AB16 etc. in SFI application on that land ……I was surprised that I had no base to move from , but did understand that AB16 said I could do nothing on the AB 16 land.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi John,
Thanks for getting in touch. The eligibility and compatibility of existing actions and options can be found on their individual GOV.UK pages: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/sustainable-farming-incentive-guidance#details-of-the-sfi-actions-in-the-sfi-2023-offer-
You can contact the RPA about your application: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/contact-the-rpa-about-sfi
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by James burton posted on
On both gov and forestry commission pages it says ewco is compatible with bps payments on that land . Can you confirm this please ?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi James,
In the EWCO grant manual it says:
'You can claim Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) on land in your EWCO Agreement, provided the land meets certain eligibility requirements. Non-agricultural land is considered eligible for BPS on the condition that the non-agricultural land was used with entitlements to claim under the Single Payments Scheme in 2008.'
This is taken from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/england-woodland-creation-offer-application-form
If you have any further queries, email EWCO@forestrycommission.gov.uk or speak to your local Woodland Officer.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Robbie Mack posted on
I work with landowners with a variety of holding sizes. Until now, smaller landowners couldn't apply for SFI, as it was only open to recipients of BPS. With the changes planned this summer, will smaller producers be able to receive SFI? Many of them are already doing positive things on their land, or want to increase what they do if they can cover the costs. Will they also be able to get CS capital grants, e.g. for pond creation?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Robbie,
Yes, as mentioned from this summer, we are opening up the scheme non-BPS receiving farmers.
You can enter as much land as you like in your SFI agreement: there is no minimum or maximum area. You can also choose how many actions you do. Once you're in SFI, you can add more land and actions to your agreement each year.
Defra just published this guidance on Capital Grants in 2024: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/capital-grants-2024/applicants-guide-capital-grants-2024--2 which you might find helpful.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Ben Griffiths posted on
As you are combining the Mid tier and SFI application process, will the agreements also be combined?
Eg. if you are applying for AB14 this summer will it be offered as part of a Mid Tier agreement starting 1/1/25, or will it be part of an SFI agreement potentially starting the following month?
Likewise, will the payment be made on Mid Tier terms from 1st Dec or the SFI quarterly payments?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hello Ben,
We will publish further information on the actions later this year, before these changes are introduced in the summer.
This will include more detail on the actions and capital items (including eligibility, compatibility with other actions, and what farmers need to do), the scheme rules, and how and when to apply.
Many farmers will want to manage their farms using a combination of CS Mid Tier and SFI actions. To help them do this, we plan to offer most of these actions through a single application service in 2024, rather than having separate application windows and processes. We also plan to remove duplication between SFI and CS Mid Tier actions, wherever possible.
If you already have an SFI agreement, then you can add to your agreement at your annual review point, and you can have additional agreements if you wish, outside of that cycle. We plan to introduce an annual opportunity to update agreements including actions currently in CS Mid Tier, as part of a combined offer, from 2024.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Caroline Jane Corsie posted on
Will there be the need for NE (RPA?) endorsement for any options ; I am thinking of e.g. eligibility for species rich grass payment ; or e.g. not being on the habitat inventory
Comment by Julian Thompson posted on
If land is already registered under ELMS / SFI, can you still sell BNG Credits, Carbon Credits (Sequestration) and Flood Mitigation services privately to markets?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Julian,
You may be able to sell biodiversity units and nutrient credits and receive funding from Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), Countryside Stewardship (CS), Environmental Stewardship (ES) and Landscape Recovery (LR).
You cannot sell an enhancement funded by an agri-environment scheme as a biodiversity unit or nutrient credit. However, you can use the same land to create further habitat enhancements on top of an existing agri-environment agreement.
To do this, you need to:
- take into account what the agri-environment agreement will achieve when you calculate your baseline
- only sell biodiversity units or nutrient credits that are a result of new works and not those you have already agreed to sell through delivering SFI standards or as part of a LR agreement
You can receive SFI, CS, ES and LR payments on the same landholding as BNG and nutrient mitigation if:
- you can show they are on different parcels of land
- they are on the same parcel of land but are not for creating, enhancing or maintaining habitat for BNG or nutrient mitigation (for example, new public access, maintaining heritage features and building walls)
Here's a link to the guidance: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/combining-environmental-payments-biodiversity-net-gain-bng-and-nutrient-mitigation
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Julian Thompson posted on
Thank you.
To clarify - excluding biodiversity units and nutrient credits.
Can carbon credits (and other novel instruments), developed as innovation through Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund be sold from land covered by an existing SFI agreement?
(as above, this question is excluding biodiversity units and nutrient credits)
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Julian,
NEIRF works alongside the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) in that it allows for the same area of land to be entered into an agreement and a private sector scheme arrangement, such as carbon trading or payments for natural flood management.
The Environment Agency administers the scheme on behalf of Defra. If you have any questions about this grant after reading the guidance, you can email NEIRF@environment-agency.gov.uk.
The Rural Payments Agency is on hand to help with SFI applications too: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/contact-the-rpa-about-sfi
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Julian Thompson posted on
Very Helpful! Thank you!
Comment by Daniel Moss posted on
Hello,we are currently in a environmental stewardship,entry level/higher level stewardship agreement,we wish to exit/transfer to the SFI scheme,we have spoken with the RPA helpline but everyone we have spoken to seems unclear as to how we go about doing this, Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Daniel,
You can be in ES and/or CS and have an SFI agreement at the same time.
The SFI Handbook goes into more detail. On page 113 and 114, the guidance says you can enter land that’s used for other government schemes and funding sources into an SFI agreement if:
• you and your land are eligible for each scheme or funding source
• the activities or outcomes you’re being paid for are compatible
• you will not be paid twice for a similar activity or outcome on the same area of land at the same time
Here's a link to the SFI handbook which includes the details of land eligibility and compatible actions: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65a114e53308d200131fbee7/SFI23_handbook__1_.pdf
The RPA produced a video on how to apply for an SFI agreement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsO9oQYNl70
This page includes details of where you can get support as you apply: https://farming.campaign.gov.uk/help-and-support/
This year, we plan to offer most SFI and CS Mid Tier actions through a single application service rather than having separate application windows and processes. We'll remove duplication between SFI and CS Mid Tier actions, wherever possible.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Daniel Moss posted on
Thank you for your reply,the ES scheme we are in,is made up off ELS and HLS agreements,the ELS part pays us £30/hectare for the whole farm acreage on a points system,does this mean we couldn’t claim for SAM3,herbal leys on a SFI agreement? As we are in theory getting the payment for ELS on them hectares already? We have read through various guidebooks,and as we understand it,we can’t claim for SAM3 under SFI until we exit our ES scheme,we just would like to clarify that this is the case?
Thank you for your help
Daniel Moss
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Daniel,
You're welcome.
It's possible to have a CS and/or ES agreement and an SFI agreement at the same time on the same piece of land if the actions are compatible. We won’t pay you twice if you carry out the same action on the same piece of land. The SFI handbook sets out the rules on how SFI actions can be combined with other actions on your land.
On page 28 of the SFI handbook, you'll see that SAM3 isn't compatible with any ES options unfortunately. So, yes, your ES agreement would need to end before having an SFI agreement with SAM3 included.
Here's a link to the handbook: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65a114e53308d200131fbee7/SFI23_handbook__1_.pdf
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Daniel Moss posted on
Thank you for your reply,could you please advise us if and how we can exit the ES scheme,is there a set procedure to follow?
Thank you for your help.
Daniel Moss
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Daniel,
We will provide more details on when and how existing agreement holders can access the new offer (including the SFI management payment) soon - we'll share any updates here on the blog.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Frank Pearman posted on
Currently the AB6 (extended winter stubble) option in CS does not allow it to be located in parcels subject to soil run off/erosion.
This is unnecessarily prohibitive as no soil is disturbed for AB6.
If this option is to be available under SFI surely it would be beneficial to allow it on all arable land.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Frank,
Thanks for getting in touch. We're reviewing this at the moment.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Fran posted on
I started a CS MT 1st Jan 23 and a SFI 22 on 18 Jan 23.
I was told the SFI 22 would be stopped early in Oct 23. Having seen all the SFI 23 options, I decided to close my CS MT early as well, as the New SFI 23 offered a better enviromental outcome for my farm. Which was the criteria to not be fined if closing early.
At the time there was no protocol to do this, so it took quite a few emails to get them both closed.
My SFI 23 started on 1st Dec 23.
As I had put moneys into my CS options during 23, will I get a percentage of the annual payment for the CS as I had created an SFI with a better enviromental outcome?
Comment by James posted on
Will the heritage and educational options within CS be available in SFI after CS has been integrated into ELMS?
Many Thanks
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi James,
Yes, they will. This document sets it all out: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agricultural-transition-plan-2021-to-2024/technical-annex-the-combined-environmental-land-management-offer
Best wishes,
Comment by Lucy posted on
With regards to the tehcnical annexe updated on the 20th February, it would be extremely useful if the compatible RLR land cover could be quoted for each option (possibly on the grant finder.
I.e if something is down as woodland on the RLR, is the creation of scrub option WD7 available? Or would this need remapping as areas of grassland within the woodland which would be very time consuming and difficult.
Can all of the options be published as a table please in addition?
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Lucy,
Thanks for getting in touch. We'll have the compatible RLR landcover available when the guidance for the expanded offer is published in spring. We've passed your request for a table onto our content team, too.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Ian Belt posted on
Hi, our agent made a mistake and did not submit our BPS claim for 2023. We are trying now to claim SFI and our options seem limited due to this, for example, on some land parcels only the hedgerow options show and we can’t do SAM1 or IGL2. Also when we initially select our options, some are missing eg IPM4. We are still registered with BPS as our account is there but don’t appear to have access to full SFI. Can you help with this please?
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Ian,
The RPA has a team in place to help with SFI applications. Details of how to contact them are on this page: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/contact-the-rpa-about-sfi
It might be worth using SFI checker tool first - it's designed to help you work out what actions you can undertake on your land: https://check-what-sfi-actions-you-can-get-paid-to-do.defra.gov.uk/
Best wishes (and let me know how you get on),
Comment by steven hodgson posted on
hi i have no BPS entitlement will i be able to apply for SFI if so when
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Steven,
Yes you will be able to this summer. We will publish a post when those who don't receive BPS can apply. If you subscribe to the blog, you'll be notified every time we publish a post.
Best wishes,
Comment by Steven Hodgson posted on
Any new on when this will become available
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Steven,
We'll be publishing more information on this in the next week or so.
Best wishes,
Comment by John Massie posted on
We submitted a CS Mid Tier application in August last year for a 1st January 2024 start date (the date the new payment rates started). We have just heard that the application has now been accepted, but the offer has come through quoted at the old payment rate. Why is this?
I now have the option to 'accept' this offer but would like it confirmed (within the offer) that I will receive the new payment rates for the duration of the 5 year agreement, before accepting please.
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi John,
The RPA will be able to sort this out for you.
You can contact RPA by email, phone or post.
Rural Payments Agency (CS)
PO Box 324
S95 1DF
Email: ruralpayments@defra.gov.uk
Telephone: 03000 200 301
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm, except bank holidays
Find out about call charges
Remember to quote your single business identifier (SBI) and agreement number in all enquiries.
Best wishes,
The Team
Comment by Jonny Purchase posted on
Hello, I have a question I was wondering you could help with. I currently have an active mid tier agreement until the end of 2025 but I am keen to add a couple more fields and actions / options to it rather than waiting for it to end before reapplying. When mid tier reopens later this year will it be possible to add to an existing agreement or would I need to create a new agreement so they run concurrently? Adding to an existing one would make the admin much easier.
Also, any idea yet when the [new] window may open?
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Jonny,
You can apply for an additional SFI agreement. Mid Tier CS options will be incorporated into SFI when the offer goes live (imminently!)
Best wishes,
Comment by Julie Wickington posted on
Hi Team,
If we apply now for MOR1 (Moorland Assessment), through SFI and enter into a 3 year agreement, when the moorland revenue funding is released in the summer, will we be able to apply for the other moorland revenue grants in 2024?
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Julie,
Yes - you'd need to get another agreement, but the MOR1 plan is compatible with all the new moorland actions.
Best wishes,
Comment by James posted on
When will the details of the capital grants to establish agroforestry be released please?
Many thanks
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi James,
We published information about this on Monday.
These capital items for agroforestry are now available:
AF1: Plant an agroforestry woodland tree
AF2: Plant an agroforestry fruit tree
PA4: Agroforestry plan
The guidance for these capital items can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/capital-grants-2024
This post includes links to information about stocking densities and woodland management plans (PA3): https://defrafarming.blog.gov.uk/2024/08/05/an-update-on-sfi-and-our-agri-environment-schemes/)
Best wishes,
Comment by James Parkin posted on
I can see the details of AGF2: Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land have been released, but can you confirm when the details of the medium and high density in-field agroforestry revenue options will be released please?
Many thanks
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi James,
Thanks for getting in touch. The exact tree densities have not yet been released and the higher tier grants haven't launched but we will provide updates on the blog, if you subscribe you'll be notified straight away.
In the meantime, you could apply for a PA4 Agroforestry Plan to work up your ideas and plans for agroforestry on your land now. PA4 is designed to allow you to consider agroforestry within the wider context of your land and how it fits in with your local environment and business, more guidance can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/countryside-stewardship-grants/pa4-agroforestry-plan#what-you-must-do-to-use-this-item
Please do contact grnationalteam@forestrycommission.gov.uk for more support, providing an address and postcode to enable them to direct agroforestry enquiries to your local AFWO.
Hope that helps,
The Team
Comment by Kate posted on
Please can you confirm that payment uplifts will apply to woodland options and supplements also?
Comment by Sarah Stewart posted on
Hi Kate
The payment rates for woodland SFI actions are here: https://www.gov.uk/find-funding-for-land-or-farms?land_types%5B%5D=woodland
Agroforestry payments are here: https://www.gov.uk/find-funding-for-land-or-farms?keywords=agroforestry
Capital grant payments are here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/capital-grants-2024
Best wishes,
Comment by Geoff Theed posted on
Hi Team
We are considering the new 2024 options, in particular CNUM2 on some of our improved permanent pasture, and temporary pasture fields as they contain clover. However, because some of the fields are within an English Heritage registered park and garden the system will not allow me to include them. I understand this is also the case for land with archeological features. This rule seems crazy when I can legally plough the land for a crop. Is there any way around this, and what is the reason behind the rule??
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Geoff,
Please can you contact the RPA ruralpayments@defra.gov.uk directly with your SBI, so the RPA can establish which parcels are affected and check data.
The Team
Comment by Colm McCann posted on
Hi can you please confirm if ELM's will have payments for creating new public access across farmland and when this is likely to be launched
Comment by The Team posted on
Hi Colm,
Yes, that's still the plan. As soon as more information is available, we'll share it in a post.
Best wishes,
The Team